v4 ritual access


Nandapaṇḍita (16th to 17th centuries CE) on how Śūdras could hear Vedas.

“Prohibition as stated in Gautamadharmasūtra (atha hāsya..) is only for a Śūdra who arrogantly hears Vedas directly. If there’s a Brāhmaṇa in the middle, hearing Vedas causes no fault.”

In his interpretation, Śūdras do have adhikāra of hearing Vedas. The only condition is that there should be a Brāhmaṇa between the reciter and the Śūdra.

Reference: Nandapaṇḍita’s commentary on Viṣṇusmṛti 5.24


Between 1200-1400 CE, a different version of Āpastambadharmasūtra 1.1.6 ‘अशूद्राणामदुष्टकर्मणामुपायनं..’ emerged with the omission of ‘अ’ of ‘अशूद्राणाम्’.

Screenshots from Smṛtikaumudī and Harihara’s comm. on Pāraskaragṛhyasūtra. Both take ‘शूद्राणाम्’ to denote Rathakāra.

Other upadesha

There are Śūdras who’re hereditary friends (of Brāhmaṇas). Through friendship, beneficial upadeśa (to Śūdras) is surely given (by Brāhmaṇas). Brāhmaṇa’s friendship with all varṇas has been declared (by Manu through) “maitro brāhmaṇa ucyate”.

  • Medhātithi on Manusmṛti 4.80

भवन्ति हि शूद्राः कुलमित्राणि। मैत्र्या च अवश्यं हितमुपदिश्यते। अनुज्ञाता च सर्ववर्णे ब्राह्मणस्य मैत्री “मैत्रो ब्राह्मण उच्यते”। - मनुस्मृतिमेधातिथिभाष्य ४.८०

Q. Why would a Śūdra serve an Ārya (Brāhmaṇa, etc.)? A. To hear Śāstra, etc.

Ref.: Vivaraṇa commentary of Govindasvāmī on Baudhāyana Dharmasūtra

[This commentary is probably a work which predates Medhātithi’s grand commentary on Manusmṛti]


Not just the Śūdra, even Kṣatriya & Vaiśya have been suggested to serve those of the upper varṇa, as per Gautamadharmasūtra (10.65 or 2.1.68).

Maskari & Haradatta tell that even in the same varṇa, the one who is superior in qualities, is to be served by the one inferior. Hence, a Śūdra can even serve another Śūdra who is better than him. Not just varṇas, even those born of mixed-varṇa marriages, are suggested to follow this pattern, as per the commentaries. Maskari on 10.66 says that one shouldn’t take support of an Ārya (Brāhmaṇa etc.) who is of bad conduct, whereas one should take support of a Śūdra who follows the suggested conduct.

Why did Medhātithi say this on Manusmṛti 10.122 -

When he (Śūdra) is talked of as, “he is a Brāhmaṇa”, it is then that his purpose is fulfilled.

(तदाह जातब्राह्मणशब्दस्य ब्राह्मणोऽयमिति यदाऽस्य एष शब्दो भवति तदासौ कृतकृत्यः कृतार्थो वेदितव्यः।)

Elevation by conduct

A Niṣāda leader named Kāyavya tells his Dasyu followers:

“Those Dasyus who act as per Dharmaśāstra, even though they are Dasyus, would soon attain Siddhi .”

Ref.: Mahābhārata, Āpaddharmaparva, 135.


Manusmṛti on values regarding knowledge and Guru

From whom one receives knowledge, be it Vaidika or Laukika (Arts, Logic, etc.), one should bow down to him first. - 2.117

From whom one receives knowledge, be it less or more, one should know him also as Guru. - 2.149

The faithful should receive auspicious knowledge even from a Śūdra, and knowledge of Para-Dharma even from a Cāṇḍāla - 2.238

One should receive knowledge from everywhere. - 2.240

Irrespective of the background of a person, anyone who bestows any amount of any kind of knowledge on us, he/she deserves the honour of a Guru from us.