Medieval praise

The praise of शूद्रजाति composed by कामदेव (कौण्डिन्यवर्य)

प्रभवा ब्रह्मादिजातयस् तिस्त्रः।
तासाम् आधारार्थं चतुर्थ-
जातिश् च तत्-पदाज् जाता॥५॥

अस्या जातेस् ताभ्यो
जातिभ्यश् शुद्धिर् इति वचस् सिद्धम्।
यद् इयं सहजा जाता
भागीरथ्यास् त्रिलोक-पावन्याः॥६॥ [1/5]

तज्-जातीयाः कर्मठास् त्यक्त-शाठ्याश्
शुद्ध-स्वांताश् शान्त-रागादि-दोषाः।
राजन्यानाम् एत्य साहाय्यम् ऊर्व्व्यास्
सर्व्वं भारन् निर्वहंत्य् एव सम्यक्॥७॥

The three castes, (viz.) the Brāhmaṇas and the next (Kshatriyas and Vaiśyas), were produced from the face, the arms and the thighs of the Lord (īśvara) ; and for their support was born the fourth caste from His (i.e., Iśvara’s) feet. (5)

That this caste is more pure than those (other three) is self-evident ; for (verily) this caste was born along with the (river) Bhāgīrathī, (i.e., the Ganges [which springs from Vishṇu’s foot]), the purifier of the three worlds. (6)

The members of this caste are eagerly attentive to their duties, not wicked, pure-minded, and are devoid of passion and other such blemishes ; (they) ably bear all the burden of (protecting) the earth by helping those born in the kingly caste. (7)

Ref: Akkalapundi Grant of Singaya-Nayaka, Saka-Samvat 1290, by K. Rama Sastri, Epigraphia Indica Vol. 13. Translation by K. Rama Sastri.