dayAl sAH

of mewar, who supported the enemies of Awrangzeb [M]. “A financial adviser of the great rANa rAja siMha who deployed his private vaishya army and launched a ruthless attack on the Moslem forces in Malwa reaching Ujjain and gave them a taste of their own medicine. In his great sweep, the Mohammedans in the garrisons at Sarangpur, Dewas, Mandu, Chanderi and Ujjain were systematically slaughtered to man and all their settlements were burnt down, civilians included. He is said to have converted captured mullahs to Hindus and burnt all copies of the Qoran that fell into his hands.”
- “There was a saying - if u find qurans burnt/thrown into wells, minarets destroyed, skull caps and burqas strewn on roads, muslims dead on streets.. U should assume that dayalsah passed thru the area.” - “Its said dayalsah wanted durgadas to marry off aurangs doter to some rAjpUt, but durgAdAs disagreed.”