
who turned the tide against the qutub shAhi-s post tALikOTa (vajrin), who postponed the end of vijayanagara by about 4 decades. anveshI documentary here.

  • The empire was beset by internal rebellions, defections to enemies and external campaigns.
  • appayya-dIxita’s praise : काठिन्यं कुचयोः सृष्टं वाञ्छन्त्यः पाद-पद्मयोः।। निन्दन्ति च विधातारं त्वद धाटीष्व-अरि-योषितः ॥ Wishing the firmness created for their breasts was instead for their pairs of lotus-like feet, when your foes are assailed by your attacks, their women curse the creator!
  • Installed in place of his borther’s sons by nobles considering the dire situation.
  • Started his reign with defence of capital penukoNDa from golkoNDa forces. He bought time with armistice proposals while getting reinforcements - especially from Achyutappa and his son raghunAtha nAyaka from tanjAvUr.