rANA kumbha

kuMbha of mevAr, hindu-suratrANa, military genius and scholar who stood against the khilji sultAn, in 1448 AD, defeated a combined army of the Sultanates of Malwa and Gujarat, a rescuer of cows, builder of the vijaya-staMbha. By night, he delved deep into rasa & kRSNabhakti; and next morning, he was ready to slaughter mlechChas! - Finally killed during adoration of ekalingadeva by his treacherous worthless son udayasimha. - Maharana Kumbha is credited with writing the Samgita-raja, the Rasika-priya commentary on the Gitagovinda, the Sudaprabandha, and the Kamaraja-ratisara. - Bogus claim: " it also pays homage to the Muslim mercenaries who served in the Rana’s armies as well as the Muslim subjects who lived in his dominions by having the word Allah carved in Arabic around two stories of the pillar." [SW] - likely recycled from big masjid kumbhA demolished; rAjpUts did do some recycling after thoD-foD: a masjid of Shihab-ad din ghori for e.g. was cleaned up and re-mandired. [TW]