kumbha - HH

Source: TW

~1421: Maharana Kumbha was born to Maharana Mokal Singh & Sobhagya Devi.

1433: Kumbhakarna became Maharana at age of 13, after Mahipal Panwar assassinated young Maharana Mokal. Mahipal fled Mewar & took refuge with Malwa’s Sultan Mahmud Khalji aka Alauddin Mahmud Shah-I. Rao Ranmal Rathore was the regent of Mewar during the initial phase of Kumbha’s rule. He destroyed the internal rebels.

1439: Maharana Kumbha told Sultan Mahmud Khalji to deport Mahipal Panwar to Mewar for exacting the revenge of the murder of Maharana’s father. The Malwa Sultan refused to do so, & challenged the Maharana for a battle. Maharana set off with 1 lakh army & 1400 elephants to fight Mahmud. ⚔️Battle of Sarangpur took place, in which Maharana defeated the Sultan after a brutal battle. The Sultan fled to Mandu fort. The Mewar army pursued him to Mandu & besieged the fort. The desperate Mahmud sortied out of the fort to give battle to Kumbha, only to face defeat! Mahmud was held captive for 6 months, & only left free after exacting a monetary tribute.

1442: The Malwa Sultan invaded Mewar. His disgraceful defeat at the Battle of Sarangpur in 1439 was still fresh in his mind. He marched onto Kumbhalgarh. There was a temple of Bana Mata at Kelwara at foothills of Kumbhalgarh fort. Alauddin targeted this walled temple. Deep Singh & other Rajputs attained Veergati defending the temple. Mahmud broke murtis in Bana Mata temple & used the pieces as weights for butchers to weigh meat.+++(5)+++ The large idol of Bana Mata was pulverized by him, and made Hindus eat the powder with paan as chuna. On learning the news about Malwa’s invasion, Kumbha marched to return to Kumbhalgarh. On the way, he met the Malwa Sultan at Mandalgarh. ⚔️In the fierce Battle of Mandalgarh, Maharana Kumbha emerged triumphant over Malwa Sultan for the second time!

1446, 11-12 Oct: Mahmud Shah invaded Mewar again, via Mandalgarh. ⚔️At the crossing of River Banas, the Rajputs fell upon his army & defeated Mahmud for the third time. After the 3 consecutive defeats vs Maharana Kumbha, Mahmud did not dare attack Mewar for the next 8 years.

1455: Mahmud attacked Mewar again, but the campaign was cut short due to rainy season. On the north side, the Nagaur Sultanate underwent a succession dispute after death of Firoz Khan. Shams Khan appealed to Maharana Kumbha for help after being deposed by younger brother. Maharana Kumbha installed Shams Khan as his vassal ruler at Nagaur on the condition that he weaken the fort defences of Nagaur. However, true to the typical dishonesty (takaiyya), he strengthened the defences. Enraged, Maharana Kumbha marched onto Nagaur with large army. Shams Khan fled Nagaur for Ahmedabad (capital of Gujarat Muzaffarid Sultanate). His officers at Nagaur surrendered without a fight to Maharana Kumbha. The condition of Nagaur after Maharana’s conquest has been described in a Prashasti:- 👇

“Kumbhakarna surprised Gujarat Sultan by capturing Nagaur, burning the tall masjids, demolishing fort, filling moats, taking elephants, punishing countless Yavans, rescuing cows from the Yavans, burning the town & taking the treasury”.

शेषाङ्ग-द्युति-गर्वरुन्न् नरपतेर् यस्येन्दु-धामोज्ज्वला
कीर्तिः, शेष-सरस्वती-विजयिनी यस्यामला भारती।
शेषस्यातिधरः क्षमा-भरभृतां, यस्योरु-शौर्यो भुजः
शेषं नागपुरं निपात्य च कथाशेषं व्यधाद् भूपतिः ॥ १८ ॥

शकाधिपानां व्रजताम् अधस्ताद्
अदर्शयन् नागपुरस्य मार्गम् ।
प्रज्वाल्य पेरोज-मशीतिम् उच्चां
निपात्य तन् नागपुरं प्रवीरः ॥ १९

निपात्य दुर्गं परिखां प्रपूर्य
गजान् गृहीत्वा यवनीश् च बध्वा ।
प्रदण्डयद् यो यवनान् अनन्तान्
विडंबयन् गुर्जर-भूमि-भर्तुः ॥ २० ॥

लक्षाणि च द्वा-दश-गो-मतल्लीर्
अमोचयद् दुर्-यवनानलेभ्यः ।
तं गोचरं नागपुरं विधाय
चिराय यो ब्राह्मण-साद् अकार्षीत् ॥ २१ ॥

मूलं नागपुरं महच्-छक-तरोर् उन्मूल्य नूनं मही-
नाथो यं पुनर् अच्छिदत् समदहत् पश्चान् मशीत्या सह ।
तस्मान् म्लानिम् अवाप्य दूरम् अपतन् शाखाश् च पत्राण्य् अहो -
सत्यं याति न को विनाशम् अधिकं मूलस्य नाशे सति ॥ २२ ॥

अग्रहीद् अमित-रत्न-संचयं
कोशतः समस-खान-भूपतेः । जांगल-स्थलम् अगाहताहवे
कुंभकर्ण-धरणी-पुरन्दरः ॥ २३ ॥

चित्तोड़ के कीर्तिस्तंभ की प्रशस्ति की वि० सं० १७३५ की हस्तलिखित प्रति से। ऊपर दी गई श्लोक संख्या कुंभकर्ण के वर्णन की है।

Reminds of Hanuman’s Lanka Dahan!🔥 Shams Khan got the Muzaffarid Sultan Ahmad Shah II to dispatch an army for relieving Nagaur, but Maharana defeated this Muzaffarid army as well. This was his first encounter with the Muzaffarids.