durgAdAsa rAthoDa

  • steadfastly opposed Awrangzib and restored Marwar to Ajita simha [wiki]. Awrangzeb had tried to convert the infant to Islam. “The brave durgAdAs rAthoD spirited the infant away from the Mohammedans and raised a rebellion against the Mogols by helping Akbar rise against his father Awrangzeb. Then durgAdAs and Akbar were given shelter by shaMbAjI as they were pursued by the Mogols.”
  • Referred to in sambhAji’s letter
  • he had personally met sambhAji to hand over the custody of the rebellious son of awrangzib
  • kept a Moghal princess, a grand-daughter of awrangzib, in a respectful detention in mAravADa until awrangzib himself begged for the demand of whatever ransom and terms of release