hammIra deva chAhamAna

hammIra deva chAhamAna MT, ruler of raNathambore, Ayurvaidika scholar, author of sadyogamuktAvalI, sheltered mongols fleeing khilji, who refused to convert and died at the young age of 28 fighting Allauddin khilji.
आष्टाविंशे तारुणे वर्षभोगे
प्राणान् दत्त्वोन्मत्तशूरान् प्रणाश्य।
क्षात्रे धर्म्मे वैद्यकीयेऽपि सिद्धं
हम्मीरन् तं चाहमानं नमामः॥
- Alleged irony and errors in kingship in Jaina hammIra-mahA-kAvya [YT - shishya of Mohammedan atrocity denying subversive Audrey Truschke].

He fought 17 battles in his reign of 12 years and won 13 of those.

सिंह सवन सत्पुरूष वचन,
कदली फलत इक बार।
+++(स्)+++तिरया +++(विवाह मेँ)+++ तेल - हम्मीर हठ,
चढ़े न दूजी बार