
Surjan sAl. King of bundI and governor of raNastambhapura under sisodia-s. He resisted the mogols before giving in after astute negotiations which preserved the honor of bundI (preservation of temples, no marriage with mogols etc..).

विश्वनाथो ऽकथयत् -

चकत्त+++(=Chagtai)+++-वंश्यो ऽकबरो ऽथ नाथस्
तुरुष्क-सङ्घस्य रणे ऽतिदृप्तः ।
धनुर्धराऽक्षौहिणिका दधानो
ययौ रणस्तम्भ-गिरिं निरोद्धम् ॥

अमुष्य सैन्याऽजगरो गरीयाञ्
शरौघ-दंष्ट्रा-विकटः प्रचण्डः ।
रुरोध शैलं कुपितः क्षणेन ॥

अथोत्खनन्ती द्विजर्वर्ग-वृत्तिं
चिरेण रीतिर् बत यावनीव ।
निरुन्धती दृष्टिपथं जनानां
स्फुरत् तमिस्रा रजनीव सद्यः ॥

After not getting any success in conquering the fort of Ranthambore, Emperor Akbar gave this task to Mansingh. Raja Man Singh made a courtesy call to Rao Surjan Singh with a fixed time. On this occasion, Raja Mansingh was accompanied by Akbar himself in the guise of Chobdar, who was recognized by the uncle of Rao Surjan Singh who was present there and was respectfully seated. After the intense consultation of Rao Surjan with Mansingh, the main 10 conditions were laid according to the treaty proposal made.

A daNDaka composed by surjana shalya ChahamAna to kAshI-vishveshvara when he took saMnyAsa after a tumultuous life overlapping with that of the Mogol tyrant Akbar.

युग-विलय-विराजमानाऽसमानाक्ष-कुण्ड-प्रचण्डोल्लसज्-ज्वाल-जाले-ऽनले लेलिहाने
क्षणाज-जगद् इदम् अखिलं वषट् कुर्वतः <> शर्व ते पर्वतेशात्मजाम् अर्धगात्रे निजे बिभ्रतः ।
द्रुतम् उपदिशतः सुखासार-संसार-दुःसागरे मज्जतः सज्जनस्योच्चकैस् तारकं ब्रह्म तत्
त्रिभुवन-महितं महादेव वन्दे सदा वेदवृन्देन गीतं श्रितं नाकिभिः पादपङ्केरुहम् ॥

The verse of surjana shalya (surjan sAl hADA) to kalkin at Kashi bindumAdhava

यवन-समूहं यः सुदुरूहं समरकराले निज-करवाले ।
बलिम् इव कुरुते जनतोष-कृते कल्किनि परमे तत्र रमे ऽहम् ॥


His son Duda allied with Maharana Pratap, and was defeated by the Mughal Empire after which he fled and Bundi was conferred upon Surjan’s son Bhoj.