durjan sAl hADA

Joined the war of liberation in Rajasthan initiated by durgAdAs and caused much havoc by attacking and taking several Mogol outposts and driving them out of much of Marwar which had been taken earlier by the Mogols.

Referred to in sambhAji’s letter

अन्यच्च हाडा-दुर्जनसिंहः कीदृक्? तस्य कोशादि सर्वं भवद्भिर् अस्माभिश्च ज्ञायत एव। परन्तु तेन कोशादिस्थाने धैर्यम् एव मत्वा ऽस्मल्-लिखितानुसारेण कथम् उपप्लवो विहितः! स भवद्भिर् अदूर-वर्तिभिः श्रुत एवास्ति।

We both know how wealthy and endowed the hADA chief durjan singh was. But he sacrificed his wealth and valiantly raised the uprising at our instigation and you being so near must have seen all of it.