birsa muNDa

birsa muNDa.

In a short life of about 25 years, he developed into an anti-British and anti-Missionary muNDa leader. Early in life he threw off a 3 year old Christian conversion (with the name “Birsa David”) required for German Mission school admission; studied rAmAyaNa and mahAbhArata influenced by Anand pANDa (3 years association) and another vaiShNava monk (3 months association), then wearing a tilaka and a yajjnopavIta. 3 more years later, he began to lead his own hindu-tribal amalgam “Birsait panth” as “Dharti Aba”, focusing on purity, vegetarianism, the need to fight in “kalyug” etc.. He sang songs inspiring muNDa-s to down “rAvaN”.
