Gajah Mada

(c. 1290 – c. 1364) of the Majapahit Empire, who rolled back Islamic states (Samudra Pasai) set up with Chinese navy backing in the malay peninsula, and united many parts of Indonesia - taking the vow - “Gajah Mada, the prime minister, said he will not taste any spice. Said Gajah Mada : If Nusantara (Nusantara= Nusa antara= external territories) are lost, I will not taste “palapa” (“fruits and or spices”). I will not if the domain of Gurun, domain of Seram, domain of Tanjungpura, domain of Haru, Pahang, Dompo, domain of Bali, Sunda, Palembang, Tumasik, in which case I will never taste any spice.”