
Samgrama-raja, king from Kashmir, who ruled from 1003 to 1028 CE. He was the founder of the Lohara dynasty. Samgramaraja ascended the throne of Kashmir in 1003 CE after the death of Didda, the queen of Kashmir. Didda belonged to Lohara, a region located in the Pir Panjal range of mountains between western Punjab and Kashmir. She was married to Kshemagupta, the king of Kashmir. As she had no sons left, she adopted Samgramaraja, her nephew in her old age, and declared him heir.

Tunga was the prime minister of Kashmir during Didda’s reign and was reputedly corrupt. Despite internal conflicts, Samgramaraja was always alert against any possible military attacks by Arabs. He fortified his kingdom, kept a strong standing military force, and upgraded the military infrastructure.


After the two attacks by Sultan Mahmud, the influence of the Hindu Sahi kingdom was confined only to the Salt Range. Trilochanpala with military aid from Samgramaraja defeated Sultan Mahmud’s forces. But later, months after Samgramaraja’s army left for Kashmir, Sultan Mahmud personally advanced with a huge army and attacked and defeated Trilochanpala.

Sultan Mahmud in 1014 C.E. tried entering Kashmir via the Toshamaidan Pass. He could not move beyond Loharkot fort in Pir Panjal range. Snowfall and stiff resistence forced him to retreat.

Seven years later, i.e. in 1021 CE, Sultan Mahmud again set out to invade Kashmir with a huge army and failed again.