The last hindu ruler of kAshmIra married twice (to rinchan and udayanadeva), who drove away alien invaders, but ultimately succumbed to the intrigue of shAh mIr.

Rise of rinchan

Till 1320 CE, Kashmir remained unaffected from Islamic invasions. Islamic settlements started in the region after the kingdom was conquered by Zulju, a Mongol chieftain. He entered Kashmir via the Jehlum Valley. Lohara king of Kashmir Suhadeva fled to Kistwar.

Amid the chaos after Zulju left, Rinchana, a Buddhist and son of a Ladakhi chief, got Ramchandra, the Prime Minister turned Raja murdered (after entering the fort disguised as merchants) and ascended the throne. He married Ramchandra’s daughter Kota Rani to gain sympathy of the Kashmiris. Later Rinchana converted to Islam under the influence of Bulbul Shah (also called Sayyid Sharfudin), a Sufi preacher and attained a new name – Sultan Sardarudin Shah. Later Rinchana converted to Islam under the influence of Bulbul Shah (also called Sayyid Sharfudin), a Sufi preacher and attained a new name – Sultan Sardarudin Shah. He in turn converted Ramchandra’s son, the commander of the Kashmiri army and many other ministers of the court and subjects to Islam.

He aws murdered 3 years later.


After Rinchan died, she became regent. She was then married to Udayanadeva, brother of Suhadeva (reigning 1323 − 1338). During the reign of Udayanadeva, the Kashmir Valley was again invaded by Mongol-Turk forces, and Udayanadeva fled to Ladakh. Kota Rani, along with Shah Mir (erstwhile minister of Rinchan), called upon the many disorganized Chieftains, rallying them together. This now unified resistance defeated the invading armies, prompting their retreat from the valley.

Kota Rani had two sons. Rinchan’s son was under the charge of Shah Mir and Udayanadeva’s son was taught by Bhatta Bhikshana. Kota Rani appointed Bhatta Bhikshana as her prime minister. Shah Mir pretended to be sick, and when Bhatta Bhikshana visited him, Shah Mir jumped out of his bed and killed him.

Shams-ud-Din Shah Mir proposed to make koTa rANI his wife and share power, but was refused. Shah Mir set out with his army from Srinagar towards Andarkot. Kota raNi’s army and several chieftains defected. She supposedly then married Shah Mir, was imprisoned with sons till death.

Civil work

She saved the city of Srinagar from frequent floods by getting a canal constructed on Jhelum to bypass the city, called “Kute Kol”.