The defense of oDDiyAna

Source: here.

The famed pITha of oDDiyAna on the earthly plane, was the in kingdom of oDDiyAna, which was ruled by the clansmen of shubhakara-siMha. The last days of this glorious pITha under the constant assault of the Mohammedans poorly known, but we can piece together some details from the Chinese chronicles and the rAjatara~NgiNi of kalhaNa. The heroic Hindu resistance in this region is largely forgotten but we provide an outline, which we hope to fill in the future.

-In 670 CE the first wave of Jihadis reached close to Kabul (kUbha) but were repulsed.
-In 710 CE the Mohammedans attacked the northern zone of the region associated with oDDiyAna, the province of Kapisa. This was an early full-fledged attack on Hindu territory, a few years before the invasion of Multan (mUlasthAna) by Mohammed ibn Qasim. The Moslem army was however beaten back by a special defense force instituted by the Hindus to protect Kapisa.
-713 CE, chandrapIDa, the kArkoTaka king of Kashmir defeated a Moslem attempt to invade Kashmir.
-713 CE oDDiyAna attacked by Moslems but they are repulsed.
-715 CE Arab and Tibetans forming an alliance invaded Ferghana and took it. The Chinese, Hindu and Zoroasterian alliance fought an 8 hour battle to defeat the Arabs. The Chinese massacred 1000 Arabs as they fell into their hands.
-715 CE Jihadis pour into Kashgar and ravage it completely.
-720 CE Ghazis attack oDDiyAna again. Young shubhakara siMha defeats Moslem invaders in the great battle of oDDiyAna.
-741 CE Moslems launch another invasion of oDDiyAna- they are defeated again.

The Moslems are described as wearing black turbans like their successors the modern Taleban.