Vanchinathan Iyer

(1886 – 17 June 1911), named after वाञ्छेश्वर, inspired by Subramaniam Aiyar and armed by Va Ve Su Iyer accomplice of nIlakaNTha brahmachAri of bhAratamAta-sangha with a gun sent by sAvarkar’s accompalice Madam Cama of Paris Indian Society, shot dead a mlecCha collector Robert Ashe (who had successfully harrassed VO Chidambaram Pillai’s Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company) before killing himself (after pushing away his peon Khadar bAdshAh).. His letter:

  • I dedicate my life as a small contribution to my motherland. I am alone responsible for this.
  • The mlechas of England having captured our country, tread over the sanathana dharma of the Hindus and destroy them. Every Indian is trying to drive out the English and get swarajyam and restore sanathana dharma. Our Raman, Sivaji, Krishnan, Guru Govindan, Arjuna ruled our land protecting all dharmas, but in this land, they are making arrangements to crown George V, a mlecha, and one who eats the flesh of cows.
  • Three thousand Madrasees have taken a vow to kill George V as soon as he lands in our country. In order to make others know our intention, I who am the least in the company, have done this deed this day. This is what everyone in Hindustan should consider it as his duty.
  • I will kill Ashe, whose arrival here is to celebrate the crowning of cow-eater King George V in this glorious land which was once ruled by great samrats. This I do to make them understand the fate of those who cherish the thought of enslaving this sacred land.
  • I, as the least of them, wish to warn George by killing Ashe.
  • Vande Mataram. Vande Mataram. Vande Mataram
  • sd/-, R. Vanchi Aiyar, Shencottah