subhASh chandra bose

a flawed urdu-islamophile, who nonetheless was a valuable agent in finally driving the british away by convincing them that the Indian army could not be relied upon to be loyal at a time when its own army wanted to disband - [Ambedkar].

Broader Islamophilia

When partition of India proved inevitable, his brother and assiciate sharad bose tried hard to fork off united Bengal into a separate country (in cooperation with Suhrawardi and his political disciple Mujib Ur Rahman). Jinnah supposedly agreed to it (4 Pakistans is quite acceptable to Islamist interests). ([YT( Mujib Ur Rahman himself was a anti-H rioter (and claimed to have broken the head of a Hindu mahAsabhA leader ).

Another associate Shardul singh of Forward block proposed the same for Punjab.

When Turkey joined Allies in 1945, many muslims deserted INA. INA muslim returnees joined Jinnah’s muslim league guards.


Before SC Bose taking over INA, vande mAtaram and jana gana mana (the latter being ascendent to assuage muslim objections to the former) were popular. SC Bose replaced “jana gana mana” since it had “too much sanskrit”.