lAlA hardayAl

Born as Har Dayal Mathur in the cursed city of Delhi, he was influenced by revolutionaries from a young age. Naturally, he was inclined towards the cause of freedom for his motherland. He completed his education in the west and was barred from entering british india. In Paris, he joined a revolutionary magazine called Bande Matram (hail the motherland) published by the Paris Indian Society.

He made some extraordinary observations regarding the Hindu race and Afghanistan.

I declare that the future of the Hindu race, of Hindustan and of the Punjab, rests on these four pillars: (1) Hindu Sangathan, (2) Hindu Raj, (3) Shuddhi of Moslems, and (4) Conquest and Shuddhi of Afghanistan and the Frontiers.

So long as the Hindu nation does not accomplish these four things, the safely of our children and great-grandchildren will be ever in danger, and the safety of the Hindu race will be impossible. The Hindu race has but one history, and its institutions are homogeneous. But the Musalmans and Christians are far removed from the confines of Hindustan, for their religions are alien and they love Persian, Arab and European institutions. Thus, just as one removes foreign matter from the eye, Shuddhi must be made of these two religions.

Afghanistan and the hilly regions of the frontier were formerly part of India, but are at present under the domination of Islam. Just as there is Hindu religion in Nepal, so there must be Hindu institutions in Afghanistan and the frontier territory; otherwise it is useless to win Swaraj. For mountain tribes are always warlike and hungry. If they become our enemies, the age of Nadirshah and Zamanshah will begin anew. At present English officers are protecting the frontiers; but it cannot always be so! If Hindus want to protect themselves, they must conquer Afghanistan and the frontiers and convert all the mountain tribes."