
shambhAji, son of shivAji, who fought the siddi, Portuguese and mughals, who died rather than convert, [M1] who tried to induce a pan-Indian hindu unity against the yavana-s [M2 letter to rAmasimha] [battles 1680-1707 here].

Nicolai Manucci reported that shambhu showed him his sword and said that he beheaded 30 of his traitorous officers himself.

Sambhaji was given to women and drink in the company of a brave but lazy Kanyakubja brahmin poet Kalash. .. Sambhaji remained lazy and missed a golden opportunity even as Awrangzeeb pressed home his fierce attacks on Bijapur and Golconda.

श्रीशम्भोः शिवजातस्य
मुद्रा द्यौर् इव राजते।
यद्-अङ्क-सेवनी लेखा
वर्तते कस्य नोपरि॥