shivAjI to ekojI

As we have much work to do in Raigad province we kept Santaji Raja, Raghunathpant and Hambirrao in that si.e. the Gingee province and arrived in the district of Torgal. There we learnt that misguided by the Turks [Muslims] you assembled and sent your army against our men. They arrived at Valikandapuram. When your men advanced (against our men] a great battle was fought between your men and our men. Your men were defeated. Pratapji Raja, Bhivaji Raja and Shivaji Dabir; these three were captured and many were killed. Many fled in rout. This we have learnt. Having heard this we wondered how in spite of your being a son of the Maharaja (Shahji] you do not reflect and do not discriminate between sin and righteousness. Then there is no wonder that you will be brought to distress.

You would ask what you should think. [We would answer] you should have thought that ‘we have enjoyed the entire jagir for thirteen years. Now we should give him half the share which he [i.e. Shivaji] is demanding and should be happy.’

You should also have thought that ‘He is blessed by Shri Mahadeo [Shiva] and Goddess Bhavani. He kills the wicked Turks [Muslims). How could I win [against him] when my army also has Turks? And how would the Turks hope to escape with their lives?’ You should have thought thus and should not have brought upon open hostilities.

But you cherished [wicked] intentions like Duryodhan and caused unnecessary loss of life. Now let bygones be bygones. Do not be adamant hereafter. You have enjoyed the entire jagir for thirteen years. Now we have taken what is ours.

Now give up to my men the places like the forts of Arni, Bangalore, Kolar, Hoskote, Shiralkot [? Shire), other minor places and Tanjore which have remained in your hands. Also give up half the share of cash, ornaments, elephants and horses and make peace with us with an open mind. We shall give you an estate of three hundred thousand hons in the province of Panhala on this side of the Tungabhadra. Or, if you do not want an estate from us, we shall request the Qutbshah and shall secure for you an estate [with an annual income of three hundred thousand (Hons) from him.

Both the alternatives have been written to you. Choose any one of these two. Do not be adamant. There is no need to quarrel among ourselves and become disheartened. At least hereafter, aim at maintaining peace between you and us and settle the matter of division and be happy. Family feud is not good. As an elder, we have told you [these things] till today and now we again tell you that it is well and good if you would listen [to this advice]: you will remain happy. If you would not listen [to this advice) you will fall into distress. What can we do [then]?