ShivAjI to havaldArs

To Jumledars, Havaldars and Karkuns (i.e. accounting officers) in charge of the army stationed at the village of Halvarn in the district of Chiplun of Dabhol division.

His Highness has made arrangements for the cavalry at Chiplun and there is no intention to return to the upcountry hereafter. Owing to the stay of the army at Chiplun, all the grain and other necessaries, that were stored for the rainy season in the Dabhol division, have been almost exhausted, entailing hardships upon the people of the district for the army’s requirements of fodder and other necessaries. The cavalry had to remain inactive for twenty days in the hot season of Vaishakh [i.e. about April-May]. As it was necessary corn has been supplied to the cavalry from various forts. Now you will ask for any amount of rations of grain and grass, feed recklessly while supplies are available and when they are exhausted will get nothing in the height of the rainy season. Then you will starve and the horses will start dying which will mean that you yourselves have killed them.

Then you will start molesting the people. Some of you would go and bring the grains from the peasant, some others would bring bread, some grass, some firewood, and some vegetables. If you behave in this fashion the poor peasants who are somehow eking out a bare livelihood will start leaving. Many of them will start dying of starvation. This would mean that you are worse than the Mughals. Such would be the curse of the peasants.

Then you will be blamed for the plight of the people and the horses. So troopers and footmen, bear this in mind and behave properly. Some of you may be staying in cavalry cantonments or different villages. You have no business to molest the people in any way or to step outside your residence. His Highness has given you your salaries from the treasury. Whatever one wants, whether it be grain, or grass for cattle that you might be keeping, or fuel or vegetables, he should buy it in the market or when it comes round for sale. You must not quarrel with or oppress anybody.

Authorities will issue rations in such a way that the supplies assigned for the cavalry should last for the whole season. You must take these accordingly so that you will not starve and will have your food everyday and the horses will also gain strength. There is no need to argue with the authorities for nothing or to say ‘Give me this’ or ‘Give me that’ or to break into store rooms and plunder the stores.

Troopers are living in barracks. Some of them will light fire, some will make hearths at wrong places, some will take light for smoking tobacco without noticing that the hay is lying about or the wind is blowing, Then suddenly there will occur an accident. When one barrack catches fire all others shall also be burnt down. Then even if some peasants are beheaded (as scapegoats) or the authorities are censured not a piece of timber would become available for constructing [new] barracks and not a single one can be built. This is understood by all. Therefore let due warning be taken by all.

Offices should always make rounds to see that there is no danger from fires or hearths. If you keep the lamps burning at night, mice might carry away the lighted wick and cause mischief. This must not happen. Precautions should be taken against fires and everything should be done to safeguard barracks and grass. Then the horses will outlive the season. Otherwise there will be no need to stable the horses nor to feed them because that will be the end of cavalry! Then you will be free from all care! Therefore it is that I have written to you in so much detail.

All Jumledars, Havaldars, Karkuns should hear this letter being read to them and remain vigilant. Often and often, day after day, you should keep yourself informed and give strict instructions. And whoever will fail to act according to this order, whoever will be guilty of this offence, whoever will be found to blame that Maratha will not be spared of his honour, not to mention service. Soldiers! Bear this in mind. You will not be spared if you commit excesses.