sambhAjI - kRShNAjI deshpANDe

विस्तारः (द्रष्टुं नोद्यम्)

Letter written at Sambhaji’s orders to Krishnaji Dada Deshpande. It gives an insight into the frank, impetuous character of Sambhaji.

Parasnis Papers, quoted in the Riyasat.

“As a watandar, it was your duty to be faithful to the master whose salt you had eaten so long;
yet you joined the Moghuls when they came here a short time ago.
But your brother Shivaji who has also joined the Moghuls is your enemy.
Thus you had better have stayed with the king.
You would thereby have shewn your good faith and loyalty.
Still it matters not.
Stay with the Moghuls if you still want to do so.
Who cares what you do?
But remember that whenever we decide to do so,
we shall cut you and the Moghuls, your friends, to pieces in no time.
If you really should care to join the king,
do not send messages to the commandants of our forts.
We cannot permit this.
If you have any message to send us,
send it direct.
We shall then consider what you say and issue orders as we think fit.
Do not write to other people, address us in person.”