rANI laxmIbAi

nee maNikarNikA of jhansi (1828-1858), born in vArANAsI to a marATha brAhmaNa family, raised upstream in the exiled peshva court at biThUr, trained in fighting, horseriding, mallakambha etc.. with her childhood friends nAnA-sAheb and tAtya Tope, married to scholarly rAjA Gangadhar Rao Newalkar (of karhaDe brAhmin descent) of Jhansi in bundelkhaND.

  • Tough intrigues: Lost her 4 month old child at age 21, began raising another boy adapted by her husband the day before he died, resisted the Doctrine of Lapse, but acceeded in the end.
  • Fighting: When the 1857 rebellion spread to jhAnsi, she ransomed out the rebels (who’d massacred the Eurpoeans), started governing. Then she fought off British assisted rAjaputra neighbor states (Orchcha and Datia); built up defences, cannon foundries. Supposedly recruited women into the army (even as gunners).
  • Gen Rose attacked next after she her offer of autonomy (supported by subjects) was rejected. tAtyA Tope came to aid jhAnsi, but was defeated (jhAnsi forces rushing out of the fort might have helped?). Peer ali, supposedly caused a gunner duhaju to open the gate leading to ingress and heavy street fighting. Escaped with son on her back by jumping off with her horse bAdal (which supposedly died) to kalpi where she met tAtyA Tope and rAo sAheb (who might have disagreed on tactical matters with her leading to losses). Following her strategic advice, they took gwalior from the sindhia rulers aided by his revolting soldiers - here she made her final stand and died.