14 Back to the Vedas

Nor was this attempt to identify our frontier line with the river Indus an innovation. In fact it was but the natural consequence of the great war-cry of the national revivalists ‘Back to the Vedas.’ The Vedic State based on and backed up by the Vedic Church must be designed by the Vedic name, and-so far as it was then possible-identified with the Vedic lines. And this process of events which the very general trend of history should have enabled us to anticipate seems to have actually gone through. For one of patriotic Puranas assures us that Shalivahan the grandson of the great Vikramaditya after having defeated the second attempt of foreigners to rush in and expelled them beyond the Indus, issued a Royal Decree to the effect that thenceforth the Indus should constitute the line of demarcation between India and other non-Indian nations.

1 There-after the grandson of Vikramaditya Shalivahan, ascended the throne of his forfathers. 2 Having Conquered the irresistable Shakas, the Chinese, the Tartars, the Balhikas, Kamrupas, Romans, Khorajas and Shathas and 3 Having seized their treasures and punishing the offenders he demarcated the boundaries of the Aryans and the Mlecchas. 4 The best country of the Aryans is known as Sindhusthan whereas the Mlecch country lies beyond the Indus. This demarcation was made by the great king. (Bhawishya Puran, Pratisarga-Parva)