Dada Rane Sardesai

from the legendary Maratha clan of Ranes, initiated the Rane Revolt of 1895. TW

  • Background: “On September 14, 1895 the Maratha soldiers of Goa were ordered to set sail to Mozambique where they would die out a slow death. As all dignified men do, they refused collectively. They rode out to Sattari and conquered the fort of Nanuz and requested Dada Rane Sardesai of Sattari, to take up their leadership. Dada Rane himself was infuriated that Portuguese encroachers were distributing land of his forefathers among the Narcornis. Thus the united parties under the leadership of Dada Rane unleashed their Revolt on October 14, 1895.”
  • Fights: “Dada Rane first mounted an assault against Bardez and looted the Tivim Church where all the hoarded treasures of Hindus accumulated by the Portuguese came into their hands and with this they swiftly struck next at Mapusa. The garrison surrendered as the Mayor was attacked and the entire Municipal Treasury fell into the hands of the rebels. Moving on, they invaded Colvale and broke open the Community Safe. The impact of Dada Rane’s ferocity was such that some of the local merchants, landlords and others fled to British India. … To support them, a reinforcement fleet was deployed from Portugal itself led by their own Prince Alfonso Henriques. With their bolstered numbers and morale, the Portuguese Prince and the Governor-General attacked Dada Rane together. Despite this, the revolt was further intensified and the Portuguese had to end up inviting Dada’s spiritual guru, Shankaracharya of Sankeshwar, who requested Dada to conclude the mutiny peacefully!”
  • End: “They were sentenced guilty and in 1902, he was sentenced to exile in Timor in the Pacific ocean, where he and his son, Indroji, died in the course of time.”