Appointment speech to bAjI rAv

After Balaji Vishwanath, Baji Rao rendered meritorious services with all unswervine devotion. He was sent to restore the Emperor to the throne after defeating Nadir Shah. The end of his life approached. His object was to bring back the wealth from Iran after defeating the Shab. By God’s will this has bappened, though hope was entertained (of defeating the Shah). You are his son and worthy of achieving great successes by faithful service Bajirao’s aim remained unfulfilled, so also my resolve to obtain hall of India after protecting the weak Emperor from the Irani. You should now fulfil the resolve by accomplishing the conquest of the whole of Hindasthan without dis pensiog with the emperor.


Following the demise of Peshwa Bajirao afterwards, in the investiture speech of Chattrapati Shahu Maharaja to the new Peshwa Balaji Bajirao, the Chattrapati speaks of how Bajirao Peshwa was sent on his way to pursue Nadir Shah and win BACK the looted Indian wealth.