sadAshivarAv to abdAli

This is the paatshahi of the Hindus. We will make all arrangements here. You have left your country and taking counsel from Shuja ud daulah and Najib Khan and come here with earnest ardor (to take over this country). Earlier too you came and completely subjugated the paatshahi. Now you come with the advice of Mirabubu begum. This is not the way of justice. When you came last time, had we been present here, we would have ensured the paatshahi would not have been disturbed. Who are you to set the rules? We will do what we please.

It is our determination to check the events at Rumsham (Constantinople), capture the region till there. In this scheme of things what is Durrani Iran? It is best you go back the way you came via Attock and protect our amiable relations. Those who complained to you about us and brought you here, what special traits have you found in them? Do you think we will live in fear with you today? We are fully equipped with what we need. As the Prime Minister of the Hindu paatshahi, the entire responsibility is mine.

  • Bhau’s reply to Abdali in Raghunath Yadav’s ‘Bakhar of Panipat.

Context: Abdali’s letter

You have forcibly taken Attock, Marwar, Lahore, Bengal, antarved, Ganga, Prayag, to the border of Kashmir and placed your outposts there. You have emptied the Emperor’s treasury. Further, you are annexing regions beyond Attock. You have reduced Chittaur, Bhadawar, Ajmer, Dwaraka and Gujarat. You are taking a ransom from Agra every year. Similarly your rule extends beyond Kashi, for three hundred miles till the hills of Kumaon. You have ambitions to reach Badrikashram. Beyond Ramnagar, you want to reach the Himalayas. Region till the river Gandika Shila you wish to seiz in your control. You wish to conquer Ayodhya and aspire for Constantinople.+++(5)+++ This is your real face. To check this excess, the Emperor of Constantine, Pir Paigambar Sultan Mohammad Shah has ordered this son, and the king of Delhi called me.

We have crossed Attock for this purpose. You may ask the reason - it is because the paatshah of Delhi, despite being supreme and like your own god, there were defections in his court…. you broke the throne of the Emperor. That is the reason we wish to defeat you, to chase you…. the paatshahi of Delhi is not an ordinary one. But you reduced that Emperor… you have won fifty two paatshahis. What are left will also be defeated by you. This is your spirit.. you have crossed limits beyond measure.

What profit have you seen in all this? It is best you leave all the paatshah’s regions except the six provinces of the Deccan. There is no need for you to come north of the river Narmada and trouble yourselves. The Emperor has awarded the sardeshmukhi to you. Take that. Do not cause further trouble. Besides this, I will give three crore rupees per year to your army for its expenses. If you do not agree to this, you will have to fight.

  • Ahmed Shah Abdali to Bhau, in Raghunath Yadav’s ‘Bakhar of Panipat’.