To dattAjI after assassination

Source: The Extraordinary Epoch of Nanasaheb Peshwa - @mulamutha

विस्तारः (द्रष्टुं नोद्यम्)

Nanasaheb Peshwa’s advice to Dattaji Scindia after Jayappa Scindia was assassinated at Nagaur in his battle with Bijay Singh of Jodhpur in 1755. Jayappa was supporting Ram Singh’s claim to a share of the kingdom. Nanasaheb advised Dattaji to act like a chief rather than a soldier.

Appa had quite unnecessarily taken this up like an unpaid job. He acted like a soldier, not a chief. When he won the first major battle, he should have used that pressure on the enemy to dictate a favourable treaty. Keeping in mind future goals, if this had been resolved, we could have obtained the territory in the doab, won Prayag, Khechiwada and emerged with credit.

So far you have been a soldier, now it is time to take decisions befitting a sardar. If Bijay Singh offers fifty lakhs and some territory to Ram Singh, accept it and be free from this affair. This is the way of a versatile officer of the kingdom. Act according to the situation.