Revenue seepage

Source: The Extraordinary Epoch of Nanasaheb Peshwa - @mulamutha

विस्तारः (द्रष्टुं नोद्यम्)

In 1743, Nanasaheb wrote a letter from the north that is a shining example of Marathi prose.

In this province, the ancient Hindu kings are proficient in Sanskrit, deplore the company of courtesans and liquor, are wealthy for seven generations, are well versed in the arts, have consorts from their own castes, who are also experts and have won over their senses. They extend courtesies to Gods and Brahmins, they sing as per the shastras, they know some Veda-shastra, they are primarily shorn of desire, and wish prosperity for all, have many disciples, and with discipline and efforts these are learned, although appear un-entertaining. The gardens and flowers and lotuses here, one cannot count. Seeing their bright appearance, one feels one should pray that they come to our own country. However, perceiving our land to be alien to theirs, even after our prayers, they do not agree to come!

The rivers in this region by their waters make the land prosperous and give the traveller happiness and the kingdom revenue. In comparison, our demon-like rivers cannot even be called canals. In the northern regions, all people are fair just describing one Ramachandra and Krishna Shyamji was enough to tire out the poets! Here, everybody is well mannered, has an income that is more than expenditure, more are religious than irreligious, people of all creeds hold their own opinions, all intellectuals who fight use their wits – all this you should see.

Instead, you have discarded all pomp, got married and gone, you did not do right! At least in the future you should come and see this land. If I come here with you, we shall together see all the items of beauty and adornment.

Speaking of our duties as the rulers, like Bhagirath, the departed parent (Baji rao), for twenty-four years ensured the flow of the river of gold from the north to the south. His blessings continue to be showered upon us, and the army and the chiefs here have been satiated by this river. This flow of gold has however, increased one particular thirst. In the past, Raghuji and Fateh Sinh baba brought the river of gold from the south, but on the way, it seeped into the soil. For some time then, the southern river did not flow. By the grace of God, this year the river is flowing in this army, but on its way to Pune, the land is extremely arid, and it will all seep away in the dry earth. Once the rivers of gold from the north and the south, both have their confluence in the ocean-like-reservoir at Pune, without seeping into the soil on the way, and cause a flood – then our labours will have been rewarded in this world and the next.+++(4)+++

Bhagirathi is a resource for the ocean, but it uplifts the entire universe. Similarly, in this age, the rivers of north and south will be beneficial to our people. All rivers flow to the ocean, only the Cauvery, people have been able to exploit. This river of resources should likewise be used for benefitting the people, and not allowed to perform its main duty (of joining the ocean). Whether this is just or unjust, the intellectuals should introspect about; by some means the aridity in Pune should be done away with, and that it should not seep into the soil on the way here, should be accomplished. This will be appropriate. My blessings.