jayasiMha to shAhu

Source- https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.119126/page/n67/mode/2up?view=theater

A draft letter.

Your Highness must be aware of the cordial ties that existed among our elders. I hope, by the kindness of Shri Ramji, the ties between us shall grow still closer. Shah Alam, after becoming the Emperor, resumed my watan, and called Maharaja Ajit Singh to the Court assuring him that Jodhpur would be restored to him, but did not do so.

This news must have reached Your Highness. I, on my part, spared no effort, to serve the Patshah, but he harbours malice towards the Hindus, and on one pretext or another wants to ruin them.+++(5)+++ For this reason, and as it was considered necessary, we broke off from the Emperor and came to Rana Amar Singh at Udaipur, and after (full) deliberations decided that if the Patshah even now becomes favourable towards the Hindus and restores mansabs and watam, as had been enjoyed by their ancestors, then it is all right, otherwise the Hindus will also do what they can.

So far we have expelled the faujdars and qiledars from Amber and Jodhpur, and have established our control there, and shall now be leaving for Amber. Ranaji will also join (us) on Dashera (there).

Your Highness is the Sardar of the Deccan. The honour of all the Hindus is one and the same. Hence, you take such measures that just as by entangling Patshah Alamgir in the Deccan, the honour of Hindustan was upheld, in the same manner this Patshah too should not be able to extricate himself from there.+++(5)+++ Earlier, Your Highness’ servants +++(referring to rAmachandra-pant amAtya, santAjI, dhAnAjI etc.. after 1689)+++ had accomplished this much, but now you yourself are there. Kam Baksh is also in Bijapur, Haidarabad. In alliance and in consultation with him, you will no doubt do what you think is proper, so that the Hindus have an upper’ hand in this conflict. What more shall I write.

(In the margin) “It has often been said that Alamgir was displeased with Raja Ram Singh on account of Shivaji’s case, and did not forget the hostility of Maharaja Jaswant Singh towards him. He retained in his heart ill-feeling on that account. Now we have to see to it.