jayasiMha to ChatrasAla

Source: TW

(In his letter dated October 16, 1708 to Chhatrasal, Jai Singh wrote that the trouble started when the Emperor, while granting them mansabs, incorporated the parganas of their watans into khalisa.)

Your Highness hnows well as to how one can live, without a watan and what is (the importance) of a mansab without the watan.

(Informing Chhatrasal about the Rajput victory at Sambhar in which three thousand of the enemy were killed, and expressing his confidence that similar victories would be gained by them in future also, he wrote,)

If Sardars like Your Highness gird up their loins, then the honour of Hindustan would no doubt be maintained. Other zamindars, mansabdars and the Rajas of the intervening region have already united and have removed the thanas of the Turks from their territories. Shri Ranaji too must have written to Your Highness (to do so). You will please join us early for the sake of the honour of the entire Hindu race.+++(5)+++ As we all Hindus have common ties, you will not delay in coming towards this side.

(He asked Chhatrasal to send the names of the prominent zamindars of the east whom they might contact and requested him to write letters to all such chiefs with whom he had intimate contacts.)

This is no longer an issue which concerns any one person; now it concerns all the Hindu (rulers).