dondho govind to bAji rAv

Nadirshah is no God, that he could destroy the earth. He possesses sense enough and knows business. He will not break with you, but will effect a friendly understanding when he knows that you are strong enough to oppose him. I don’t expect actual hostilities to break between him and you. J

aysing and yourself aided by the Bundela Chiefs will be quite a strong Hindu front which providence will surely crown with success. Jaysing is anxiously waiting for your arrival to take the lead.

Nizam-ul-Mulk is playing a mischivous game. Some of his spies, found roving about prying into Jaysing’s secret counsels, were captured by him. They confessed that they were deputed by Nizam-ul-Mulk. All voices agree that the two noblest - Nizam-ul-Mulk and Sadat Khan alone induced nadirshah to undertake the invasion of India.

Victory at this moment crowns the Peshwa alone. Many here desire that the Rana of Udaypur should be seated on the throne of Delhi and made Emperor of the Hindus. The Northern Rajas are anxiously expecting the Peshwa’s arrival, a momentous change appears to be in sight.