chimAjI on bAjIrao

The following is the relevant portion from Chimaji Appa’s letter (June 1740 A.D.) to Mahadeo Bhat Hingne at Jaypur which throws ample light on the role played by Bajirao in his North Indian politics, and states clearly the aims of the Maratha rule in general.

Read the details of your letter. The objects of the late Rao for the last eight or ten years were to please the Emperor by way of integrating the Imperial rule by bringing back to Imperial fold the Semi-Independent Amirs who cared little for the Emperor’s orders at their posts and thus to strengthen the administrative forces (resulting into peace and properity) and to gain thereby the good will of the rayat, the poor and the needy, to enhance the Imperial treasury and thus to acquire highest fame and the esteem of the Emperor. For all this he had kept constant touch with Nawab Khan Dauran thorugh Sawai Jaysing, and many schemes had been planned.

The Emperor’s help to meet the (daily) expenses and the repay the debts incurred, could not be received in time and hence the grand schemes envisaged could not be materialized for the lack of money, besides there were though the Nizam Asaf Jah sent Sayyad Lashkar Khan with promises (to bring him over to his side) he did not yield. It was not in his nature to change words for a trifling gain of money, rather he was prepared to receive less (in comparison) from the Emperor and stick to his word. The Raya was to go to Malwa (as per the invitation) he sent you (Hingne) to Sawai and afterwards left Burhanpur"but after he crossed Rewa (Narmada) he fell ill and died at Vaishakha Shuddha Trayodashi. The Almighty did most unjust thing in this, but there is no remedy to it.

The late Nana (Balalji Vishwanath) aiming at the welfare of the people at large, destroyed the bad elements in the society and encouraged revalidation in the region that seemed like forest. Nana died and Rao became Pradhan. Nana had to his credit the good-will of the people and the blessings due to the establishment of Gods and Brahmins. Those blessings Nana handed over to Rao (as his legacy). Raya also aimed at the welfare of the people, the establishement of Gods and Brhamans, and renovation of the great centres of religion like Kashi. He strived hard by that path, protected, where great religious centres were renovated. His fame reached North (but he soon died). It was his desire (till last) to restore Vishweshwar at Kashi. Raya’s fame shown in the world ten fold in proportion to that of Nana. Rao was brave, and a creator of new world.

The Emperor and Sawaiji desire a chastisement of the Nizam. The same will be done. But he (Sawai Jaysing) should stick to the terms settled with Raya, nay, he should do much more. This is in fact proper for him (since Bajirao is dead). He was about to send 5 lakhs out at of 15 lakhs to Raya. Manage to send the same without losing time by asking Sawaiji. After full preparation, the army and one of us (i.e. either Chimaji or Balaji) will come over to meet us with Rayamalji. Then arrange for the meeting of Sawaiji and Ranaji and if the both of them think it proper even Abhaysing may be called. Thus after gaining strength, we shall perform whatever task the Emperor assigns us. Meanwhile, if the Nizam and the rest, thinking short-sightedly, that we have been reduced to nothing after the death of Raya, and march on us, we shall bring them round with in no time, with a lakh of army and the brave Sardars at our disposal. Sawaiji knows us too well to entertain any low opinion about us. He knows too what Rao stood for, and what he was striving for, we and the Sardars stand for the same.

Rao was the great asylum of the Hindus. There was none equal to him in the Deccan and the whole of Hindustan. Be as it is, but after all what did Rao carry with him? He left all behind him. The rest and we have been with the Rao from the first, and are still there. The enhancement of the success and the fame attained by Rao, is the only objective (before us). By the grace of God, and the blessings of the strenuous and virtuous life led by Rao, we intend to punish all those who behave improperly towards the Emperor. If Sawaiji, Ranaji, Abhaysing and we are one, what is impossible there fore us that we intend to attain ?