bAjI advice to raghunAth

I hope you will well remember the various instructions I gave you at our last parting. Do not forget to keep up the daily revision of the Vidurniti, selections from Chanakya and other portions that you have learned. You must also learn more every day from the Shastris, and read the Mahabharat whenever you have leisure from the Virat Parva onward, and not waste time in constant reading. You must also keep up the practice of memorizing accounts in weights and measures.

Do not fail to render implicit obedience to dear Bhau, and to secure his good will in every point. You must promptly execute whatever he tells you. You should take your food along with him and have no separate stable for your horses either. Now and then you must spend some time in the company of Bai, Tai and Anubai. Your health is not robust, and so you must not neglect to take medicine. Whenever you wish to ride out, you must go in Bhau’s company.

If you are asked to visit Satara, you must obtain Bhau’s permission and take with you Chimangiri or Ganghadhar Bhatt with his consent. When you reach Satara you must not call on the queens of your own accord, unless they send for you or unless Govindrao Chitnis advises you to do so. You must dress properly as becomes your position and age.

In point of worship, meditation and prayer, you must do the needful quietly and in soli tude : and while so engaged you must keep absolute concentration and not talk of other matters. Whatever little you do, do it regularly and unostentatiously.

Always keep active a desire to learn and a readiness to obey and to earn the good opinions of all elders. Be ever alert, and store your mind with knowledge, inquiring from elders whenever they are disposed to teach. You should always exhibit a spirit of humble pupil ship. Your younger brother Janardan works more and learns more, and in this way he will soon outstrip you. How can you then command respect in life?"