Ch pratApa-siMha to rango bApUjI

Raja Pratap Singh wrote the following letter to Rungo Bapoojee on 30th August 1839 :

Our ancestor Sewajee Maharaj, founded the Mabratta Empire by his own valour, and protected the Hindoo religion as it exists to this day.+++(5)+++ Our ministers, great officers, and other servants of the State have hitherto performed their several duties. It now appears, that the English Company’s Resident, Colonel Ovans, having taken Ballajee Punt Natoo under his protection, has been concocting a conspiracy for the purpose of effecting our overthrow. In order to accomplish this more successfully, be has induced our younger brother, Appa Sahib, to proceed to his residence. He has also succeeded in shaking the allegiance of several oficers of State, and prevailed on them to look upon Appa Sahib as their master. I can now only depend upon my two Ranees, my daughter, and Bulwant Raje Bhonsley Senaputtee, as those who yet remaia faithful to me.

The great officers of State, the Commander of the Cavalry, the RisAla (body of Cavalry). the infantry and Artillery soldiers even have been tampered with by the Resident and Balajee Punt Natoo. The Chitnees, however, with Pundit Samunt, and his younger brother, Babaji Yeshwunt Rao and yourself, have remained faithful to me. The rest, unfortunately, have shown their ingratitude. They will meet with their reward.

It is now my determination to send you to Wilayet, (England or London). to represent the above mentioned atate of things to the English Covernment, and bring in decision theroon. I have some fear, however, of your being molested on your way. As human life is uncertain, and we depend upon Providence, I deem it of sufficient importance that you should be made acquainted with my apprehension as to what may happen with reference to the future.

As long as I am spared, there may be nothing very much to dread; but in the event of my death, my two Ranees will have to be guarded against all machinations, in consequence of their incompetency, as females, to understand affairs of State, and owing to the possibility of their being tampered with and imposed upon. The charges set up against me must be either proved, or rebutted. Whatever difficulty may arise with respect to the possibility of the Princesses being unfairly dealt with, you must be prepared, if you are alive, to grapple with and remove. You must be on your guard against any papers or oral communications which may purport to proceed from them, directly at variance with my own interests, or contradictory to their duties to me. You are fully aware that what is pretended to emanate from females or minors, is neither legal nor valid.

As I have no son, it is my intention to adopt one from the family of my nearest relative, as my heir and successor. The wife of Bulwunt Rao Raje Bhonsle Senaputtee, my first cousin, is now pregnant. If she has a son I shall be well pleased; if not, I must seek elsewhere for an adopted son.

As you have sworn to serve me with fidelity. I expect you will strictly fulfil my instructions. This letter you must keep privately. Should ever occasion require it, you must then explain its purport.