mAdhav rAv and water carrier

Source: Kal_Chiron

There is a story associated with Madhavrao Peshwa. He was 16, had just became Peshwa of a pan Indian empire in peril. He had just lost his elder brother (Vishwas Rao), his uncle (Sadashivrao Bhau) on Panipat. Had lost his father (Balaji Bajirao). Story happens in this backdrop

Once he was returning to his residence from the court. There was a servant (from household of Peshwa family - one who’s job was to carry water from the wells to fill all the residential water tanks of shanivar vaDa - called पाणक्या in Marathi, dunno English/Hindi name) around. So while young Peshwa was on his way to his home from court, this “पाणक्या” stops him and tells the Peshwa (with all due respect etc), that his pagDi is not straight but tilted. He then (unasked for) straightens the pagDi of Peshwa and says to him - now it looks good.

Peshwa asks him his name. He gives it Then Peshwa asks him how many waterbags does he carry every day? Servant tells some X number Peshwa then orders this servant should carry 2X water bags from next day. If unable, the deficit number will be whip lashes he will have to face.

For many days, every evening, the screams of the servant were heard. The servant later petitioned - It was Peshwa (or was it Raghoba dada, can’t remember) who tells him -

“no matter you have been part of this household for years/generations. Why did you get over-friendly? You are a water carrier, so carry water. Why do you presume that you have to care about Peshwa’s pagDi and looks - then have gall to act on your thoughts by actually stopping Peshwa and touching his crown? It means you have lot of free time and we are under-utilising you.”

“Furthermore, not only you have lot of free time, but you also do not understand difference between the office and the person. Double work is for your complete utilisation. Whips are for making you understand the respect for the office I hold, irrespective of my age”

Moral of the story is the age old aphorism : अतिपरिचयात् अवज्ञा… (Over)Familiarity breeds contempt. Kings/Leaders should know this. Maryādā sarvatra virājaté

Already it is 16 year old boy handling all this. Everyone treating him like a kid - now servants stopping him to touch his headgear! Anyone who thinks entertaining this would have bolstered image of the young Peshwa in public perception is wrong.

Last words on this - It was a Hindavi swarājya on brink of a civil war and collapse. Raghoba’s party was already portraying Madhavrao as “Pappu” who is unable to handle this huge territory. We have seen what happens to someone when he is accepted as “Pappu” in politics. 😛

Similar problem was faced by a certain “Octavian” when his uncle Julius was murdered in the Roman senate on Ides of March. And he overcame it in similar manner. Had he lived a full life, Madhavrao would have been the Octavian/Augustus Caesar of Hindavi Swarājya. 😔