Vijayanagara respect

Marathas Avenged Vijaynagar 🔥.

After beheading Samrat Ramaraya at Talikota, the Deccan Sultanates actually STORED his head preserved in oil and red pigment, and annually exhibited it for humiliation of Hindus. Years passed & a Stone model instead was used for this.

When the Maratha Chattrapati visited Bijapur (now Maratha Property), He saw the humiliating statue of Vijaynagar Samrat Ramraya’s head on right side of the Main Gate of Bijapur. He had the statue broken & tossed it into a ditch, ending a centuries old saga of humiliating Hindus!

Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaja had made a grant of 60 Villages to the family of the last Vijaynagar Samrat. His own father Maharaja Farzand Shahajiraje Bhonsale had saved Vijaynagar poligars during his Conquest of Mysuru too, which shows Maratha care for fellow Hindu States. The respect He had for the Vijaynagar remnant Poligars and various tribes of Mysuru is clear from this thread.