Revenge on Rohillas

Rohilla elimination

After invading Delhi in 1771, Marathas obtained sanction from the puppet Mughal Badshah himself to pursue and purge the Rohilla Pashtun cream threatening North India. Marathas then began their rampage against Rohilla Pashtuns, cutting down all who were responsible for Panipat. Marathas led by Maharaja Mahadji Shinde drove out Rohillas & slaughtered them. Najib’s tomb was bombarded & his bones were scattered all around.


Najib’s 10 year old grandson Qadir was discovered at Ghausgarh after his father Zabita fled and he was taken by Mughal Nazir Mansur. It is hilarious what Najib-Ud-Daulah’s family, chief architect of Panipat conflict, underwent later during Maharaja Mahadji Shinde’s Revenge Campaign against Rohillas. Najib’s son Zabita fled to Sikh lands & converted to Sikhism! Son of “Saviour of Islam” had to become a Sikh!

Gulām Qadir

Gulām Qadir underwent a very gruesome fate. Ghulam Qadir was placed in Qudsia Bagh by Nazir Mansur & then castrated by Shah Alam II who turned Qadir into a catamite & abused him for years! Thus Najib’s grandson literally became a bedmate of the Maratha puppet Shah Alam II!

Years later Ghulam Qadir invaded Delhi in order to get money to use against Marathas and looted over 25 Crores Rupees. He then avenged himself on his pederast Shah Alam II by conducting atrocities on the Mughal family. Marathas then pursued Qadir & tortured him slowly to death.


Najib’s corpse shredded to pieces and tomb demolished. His Son leaves his family behind and flees, converts to a sect of the very religion his father had fought against & passes away in obscurity. Grandson is castrated & becomes a catamite of the Mughal Badshah. A fitting end.

“Paristiti jyodi viqat… Marāthā tyodās tiqhat!” Panipat was fully avenged, by human efforts as well as divine intervention, within decades and closed as a chapter.

Abdali himself died a brutal death due to his gangrenous maggot-infested nasal infection. Traitor Shujah-Ud-Daulah’s army was destroyed by Britishers because of lack of Maratha support & ended up becoming their slave. Real life justice is sometimes more poetic then imagination.