kampili Kumara Rama

(1290 - 1320), an ideal prince who waged wars against kAkatIya-s, hoysaLa-s and muhammad bin tuglaq before dying; worshipped to this day by the halapaika tribe.

  • Legend : “Kumara Rama falls in love with an aboriginal girl who later becomes his father’s wife due to unusual circumstances. Though Rama takes this development as a fall out of destiny, the lady does not reconcile to her fate and tries to seduce Rama. But Rama stands out for morals and will be humiliated by his mother. Then he becomes the victim of his lover’s tricks and Kampila Raja orders for his execution. But his look-alike brother Chenniga Rama sacrifices his life for him and Kumara Rama wages wars against the invasion of Tughlaq’s army. He dies in the battle and his dignity is restored in his death.”