nAyar domain

Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja of Kottayam

launched guerrilla warfare against Tippu’s jihAdis (unlike other local rulers who fled to Travencore) and later British in 1790s. His warriors included Nairs and kurichya tribals- expert archers. Died fighting the British forces on 30th Nov 1805.

nAyar-rAjA of chirakal

who tried and failed to ransom malbAr temples from marauding mlecCha Tippu, secured the retreat of his family, died (most likely killed himself - through a fellow warrior some say) rather than be captured and converted. [IF]


rAja of tiruvanantapuram, the “dharma rAja” who offered refuge to hindus fleeing Tippu’s invasion and desecration to the north. [TW]