Kerala case

  • In the place of kShatriya-s, for example, we had Samanta Kshatriya-s in keraLa ( W, ie. shUdra-s who function like kShatriya-s for most practical, if not ceremonial, purposes ).
  • In traditional texts and treatises on Kerala such as the Kerala Mahatmayam and Keralolpathi the nair rulers are referred to as “sAmanta kShatriyas” (Kshatriyas only in function, not jAti). This was because swaroopams/royal families had political and social power but were Kshatriya only in profession and were not recognized as Kshatriya within the Vedic tradition per se.
  • The first ascension of these Nairs to Kshatriya status was begun by the Kolathiri Raja, Udayavarman, who wished to wear the Yajnopaveetham (Poonool or sacred thread) and become an officially recognized Kshatriya. Since the Nambudiris were not prepared, Udayavarman brought 237 families (Saagara Brahmins) of Illams from Gokarnam in 1617 AD (792 ME) and settled them in five Desams, Cheruthazham, Kunniriyam, Arathil, Kulappuram and Vararuchimangalam of Perinchelloor Graamam.
  • “The Raja of Cochin, who was elevated to the Suryavanshi clan of the Kshatriya caste by the Namboothiri openly insulted the Zamorin, who belonged to the Eradi subdivision of Samantan Nair caste, calling him a cowherd. Zamorin tried to elevate himself to the Samanta Kshatriya status by performing the Hiranyagarbha Yagna, but fierce opposition by his opponents (Most notable of whom were the Maharaja of Cochin) forced the Namboothiris of Malabar to abandon the plan. Instead the Zamorin, who was an ordinary Nair was elevated to the Samantan Nair caste by performing the Padmagarbha Yagna.”
  • “The Raja of Travancore, however used to perform an extraordinary ceremony known as Hiranyagarbha. The essential feature of this ceremony was the casting of a hollow golden vessel through which the Raja passed. On emerging from the vessel, the Raja’s caste status rose from Samanthan Nair to Samanta Kshatriya. Unfortunately for the royal family, the Samanta Kshatriya status so acquired was not hereditary, and thus the ceremony had to be performed for each new Raja. The Samanta Kshatriya and Samanthan Nair subdivision were minute. For example, In Travancore in 1931, the Samanta Kshatriya population was 3,673 (0.07% of the total population), and the Samanthan NairSamanta Kshatriya population was recorded as less than 0.1% of the total population; for 1921, the Samanthan Nair population was given as 4,663 (0.15%). - MK