Hoysala garuDa-s

Concept of Garuda Lenkas is so unique to Karnataka & India, Only tradition close to this is Bushido Cult of Samurai Still many of us dont know about this unique tradition of Service, Bravery, Valour & Sacrifice. Esp Agrahara Bachahalli ,the epicentre of this tradition of Garuda Lenkas - Actually two different entities. Garudas who were literally shadow of the king and Lenkas being the shadow of Garudas. The concept was " If object does not exist, then shadow does not exist". Garudas were literally shadow of Hoysala Kings. The Tradition Meant that if the master dies of any reason, so does the shadow of the master.

The pledge of Garuda Lenkas.

Mugila Family of Agrahara Bachahalli followed this pledge for almost 11 Generations is that rose from Mercantile to Royalty 12-13 CE Hoysala.

Agrahara Bachahalli Temples records this in inscription and art with its beautiful and Grand Herostones Showstopper being 3 Garuda Pillars signifying the self sacrifice of 3 Royal Garudas of same family for different Hoysala Kings.