Lack of ruthlessness

Not rolling back inimical religions

Unlike spanish reconquista or the jApanese expulsion of christianity, various hindu empires did not mostly expel Islam from their conquered lands. This was a huge cumulative loss for Hinduism.


Marathas never planned to get rid of Christianity and Islam - they just wanted to merely capture political power from them. Examples below.

Do not abandon the righteous path or ethical conduct. If Marathas or Muslims behave as per the traditions of their caste or community, do not discriminate against them. The Kingdom should not discriminate on the basis of the person’s faith or his deity -

Hindu Marathe, Musalman yaani aaple aaple reetine vartalyas dvesh sahasa konhe hi jaaticha na karava, va jyacha jo dharm, jyache je daivat tyaaj vishaii dvesh rajya neetis nasava

  • pAnipat bakhar of bAlAji bAji rAv nAnAsaheb to rAghoba

mAdhava rAv granting permission to a Christian priest to salvage temple pillars to construct a church.