+स्वरक्षणम् (Defence)

## Topics not covered here
  • Non-military resistance to Abrahamisms - see here.

  • brAhmaNa proclivity to promote resistance to alien invaders - see Arya consolidation page.

  • vyUha-s, raNa-dIxA, martial arts etc.. see here.


Why did we loose to the British in the end, just as we were beating back Islam? MT’s analysis here.

Not learning from history, misplaced mercy (The likes of Malik Kafur, Md Ghori being released after defeat). Insufficient ruthlessness in facing the Islamic threat (not taking adequate steps at suppressing Islamic ideology, once the enemy states were defeated).

  • Bharatendu’s account of the differing conditions of the Hindu kings vs the East India Company.

Traitors aplenty.