
Source: TW

Contemporary Great Kings of India and the West The thread would detail contemporary kings of the West, who were living during the kingships of various great Indian kings. 🧵

  1. Bimbisara. Bimbisara was the first great king of Magadha, who ruled between c. 542-491 BCE. His contemporary in the West was Cyrus the Great, Great king of Persia, his son Cambyses, & Darius-I. Cyrus ruled between c. 550-529 BCE, Cambyses (529-522 BCE), Darius (522-486 BCE).

  2. Ajatshatru. Ajatshatru was the son of Bimbisara, and ruled between 491-461 BCE. His contemporary was king Xerxes-I ( 486-465 BCE), and Artaxerxes-I (465-424 BCE). The 2nd Greek-Persian War was fought during the time period of Ajatshatru.

  3. Mahapadma Nanda. Mahapadma was the founder of Nanda empire and ruled between c. 387/382- c.350 BCE. His contemporary king in the West was King Artaxerxes-II (404-358 BCE), and Artaxerxes-III (358-338 BCE).

  4. Dhana-Nanda. Dhana-Nanda was the last ruler of Nanda dynasty and ruled between c. 350 BCE to 322 BCE. He was the contemporary of Artaxerxes-II (358-338 BCE) Darius-III (336-331 BCE), Philip-II (359-336 BCE) and Alexander of Macedon (336-323 BCE).

  5. Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta was the founder of Mauryan empire, & was the contemporary of Seleukos (315-279 BCE) Antigonos Monopthalamus (320-301 BCE), Ptolemy-I (321-283 BCE). His time period lapsed with Diadochi wars, and 2nd Saminite War involving Rome.

  6. Bindusara. Bindusara was the son of Chandragupta, and ruled from 298-273 BCE. He was the contemporary of Pyrrhus of Epirus (319-272 BCE) , Antiochus -I Soter, (281-261 BCE) Ptolemy II Philadelphus (284-246 BCE).

  7. Asoka. Asoka was the last great Mauryan emperor, between 269-232 BCE. His contemporary kings are: - Antiochus II Theos (261-246 BCE); - Ptolemy-II (284-246 BCE; - Antigonus II Gonatas (279-239 BCE) ; - Magas of Cyrene (276-250 BCE) ; - Alexander of Epirus (272-242 BCE)

  8. Kanishka. Kanishka is the most famous of Kushan rulers and ruled between 125-150 AD). He was the contemporary of Roman emperors, Hadrian (117-138 AD), and Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD)

  9. Samudragupta. Samudragupta was the 2nd emperor of Gupta dynasty from 335-375/380 AD. His famous contemporaries included Constantine (306-337 AD), Constantine-II (337-340 AD), Julian (361-363 AD), Shapur-II (309-379 AD)

  10. Kumaragupta-I. Kumaragupta-I was the 4th emperor of Gupta dynasty, ruling between 414-454/455 AD. His contemporaries included Attila the Hun (445-453 AD), Valentinian-III (425-455 AD), Bahram V (420-438 AD), and Yazdegerd II (438-457 AD).

  11. Harsha and Pulakesin -II. Harsha (606-647 AD) and Pulakesin-II (612-642 AD) were the paramount sovereigns of North & South India. Contemporaries were Heraclius (611-642 AD), Farrukh Hormizd (630-631). Islam came into prominence during the time of Harsha & Pulakesin.
