Beni mAdhav Ray

Source: TW

Dacoits of Bengal – Part 1.
Durge Durgotinashini 🔱

Sacrificing Yavanas to Ma Kali was very prevalent in Bengal in old days. This can be seen in the 1946 riots too, where, for every one Hindu life lost, atleast 10 Yavanas (Mohammadians) used to be sacrificed. Today I’ll share about a Bengali shakta who used to sacrifice Yavanas infront of Ma Kali. Beni Madhav Ray or Beni Ray, popularly called “Pundit Dakait” was a Kulin varendra Brahmin who had a beautiful wife.+++(5)+++ His wife was abducted by a Pathan. To avenge his wife’s abductor (Pathan, a Yavana), he turned to banditry. Beni Madhav Ray was a sanskrit scholar, which is why he was called “Pundit Dakait” (dacoit). He gathered Hindu followers from different castes and made an armed outfit of dacoits. He along with his dakait sena used to live in an isolated island in Chalan Beel which was surrounded by forest. At this island, he erected a Kali Murti called “যবনমর্দিনী”/ “Yavan-Mardini.”+++(4)+++ The place where Pundit Dakalt lived was called “Pundit Dakait er Bhita (estate of Pundit Dakait). Beni Ray and his Dakait sena unleashed reign of terror on muslim invaders of Bengal. That’s why muslims called his place “Shoitaner Bhita" (estate of Satan).

He and his followers used to abduct muslims from various countries and sacrifice them infront of Yavan-Mardini Kali. After sacrificing Yavanas, he disposed off their bodies in the water body but collect the severed heads of the Yavanas and make a pyramid of the heads. (We’ve often read of the barbaric invaders (kings) who used to make mound of heads of Hindus after killing them. But this time, it was Pundit Beni Madhav Ray! Narbali of mlecchas infront of Kalika was very common in Bengal, Assam in those days.)

He was a Brahmin in the early phase of life and adopted Raj-dharm (kshatriya dharm) later. Pundit Dakait despite being a terror, never oppressed the Hindus or looted the poor Hindus. Infact, many times he helped the Hindus. He never touched or harmed women and children. He used to say clearly – “I take help from the rich Hindus (in monetary terms) but if I take help openly, the Mohammadians will target the Hindus. Hence, he made the helps look like loot. Because of the harmless attitude of Beni Ray towards Hindus, Hindus weren’t afraid of him. Once he with his dal arrived at a wedding function of Rajib Saha’s daughter. Rajib assured everyone that there’s no need to worry. He with folded hands went to Pundit Dakait & bowed to him. He requested Beni Ray to accept the amount kept aside. Beni Ray accepted the Pranami, blessed everyone and returned. The marriage continued without obstacles.

Beni Ray was related to marriage of Sanyals of Satore. That’s why the varendra Brahmins (Sanyals) of Satore & Kayasthas joined his army in huge numbers. Jugal Kishore Sanyal (varendra Brahmin) & Chandi Prasad Ray (kayastha) were his two principal followers. They were no less terror for the Mohammadians. Because of their terror, the Pathans used to call them “Kaal Jogla and Kaal Chandia). At that time, Man Singh had arrived in Bengal to vanquish the Bara Bhuiyans. He was busy at South of Padma, his brother Bhanu Singh arrived at Satore with the Mughal army to subdue Beni Ray. Now, Beni Ray never harmed any Hindu but always helped them. This is the reason why all the Hindu landlords didn’t support Bhanu Singh in subduing Beni Ray. The Hindu landlords advised Bhanu Singh to adopt different approach instead of waging war against Beni Ray otherwise there’d be many casualties & nobody will be benefited. On hearing the story of Beni Ray from the Hindu landlords, Bhanu Singh was impressed. He decided not to engage in any conflict with Beni Ray. Therefore he adopted different strategy. He sent his men to Beni Ray and intimdated him that Mohammadians under Pathan rule committed many atrocities against Hindus & in retaliation, Beni Ray too has attacked them violently. Now the Pathan rule is over.. Mughal’s rule has been established and the Mughal rule is favourable to Hindus. Bhanu Singh told that Akbar was Mukundram Brahmachari in his previous birth so he’ll not harm the Hindus. Beni Ray fell in trap of Mughal loyalist Bhanu Singh. Bhanu Singh told Beni Ray that he doesn’t want to harm Beni Ray as Beni Ray was a Brahmin and Bhanu Singh a kshatriya. Beni Ray agreed to make deal with Bhanu Singh. Beni Ray was gifted zamindari of Pargana and 1200 bighas for the maintenance of Yavan-Mardini temple. Beni Ray adopted Brahmcharya thereafter.+++(4)+++

At request of Beni Ray, Bhanu Singh gave land to Jugal Kishore Sanyal and Chandi Prasad Ray too. Beni Ray had no heir so Jugal Kishore inherited his estate. Descendants of Jugal Kishore Sanyal came to be known as Sanyals of Sherpur. The Yavan-Mardini Kali temple was established at Sherpur & Yavan-Mardini was worshipped there but in later years, the temple was destroyed in earthquake. Beni Ray’s second disciple Chandi Prasad Ray had also obtained zamindari and used to live in Potajia village of Pabna. His descendants came to be known as Potajiar Ray (Rays of Potajia). The Potajiar Ray were revered as the oldest zamindari among the Varendra Kayasthas. The other Varendra Brahmins of Beni Madhav Ray’s army & their descendants came to be known as “Benipathir Kulin” (kulin of Beni-pathi).

The heroism, kindness, cleverness, terror & violence tales of Beni Madhav Ray & his disciples are still very popular in Rajshahi, Pabna, Bagura districts. The Bengalis used to be united that time. When wife of Beni Ray was abducted by Pathan, many people came in support and wanted revenge. Suppressing them was very difficult for the Nawabs & the Samrat. Whenever any Hindu zamindar was in trouble, all the subjects used to come forward to help especially whenever a Brahmin was in some trouble. Unfortunately, the unity among Bengalis is lost today.