V2 vedic study

I saw this twt earlier & was tempted to respond but desisted because 1 could ask: if a v2 or v3 claims to have studied the veda how do we know he really did so.. If we set that aside we can cite the following unambiguous cases: shrauta rituals-

  • many v2s have done it close to modernity. e.g. the ashvamedha of jayasiMha-II, his successors continued shrauta rites down to the 1900s.

  • Even in bauddha-dominant lankA we hear of vijayabAhu-2 performing shrauta somayAga in the 1100s.

  • Closer to our times in the late 1900s Jichkar, a v4 by birth adopting v2/3 varNa performed a somayAga.

  • In terms of actually studying the veda, the mAnasollAsa of someshvara-deva chAlukya clearly states that the v2 should study the shruti after upanayana. Did kings really do so around that time?

    • We have the evidence from aparAditya the shilahara’s aparArka commentary on the dharmashAstra that he had studied the shruti from the citations.
    • Some medieval hADA rulers are said to have studied the shruti in the kAvya praising them. e.g.s of the top of my head. Hence, it does seem the study of the shruti continued after 1400s.