
“It is said that when Bharata went to request Sri RAma to return to AyOdhya, Sri Rama declined saying he could not transgress the command of his father. When during the conversation between them (celebrated as “RAMAGITA”), Bharata admired Sri Rama for his devotion to their father. Sri Rama is reported to have referred to KAsyapa Rishi (of Naitrava KAsyapa GOtram fame).

KAsyapa’s mother was too old to even stand but wanted to be taken for a pilgrimage. KAsyapa put her comfortably on a hammock and carried her all along to fulfill her wish. Sri RAma referred to him as “one who adorned his mother” (mAtR-bhUShaNam) and that he himself was no bhUShaNam to his father (quite unlike KAsyapa), since he could not even perform the last rites of his father.

This word “mAtR-bhUShaNam” in course of time got corrupted into “MADa bhUShi”. (I understand that all “MADa bhUShis” belong to “Naitrava KAsyapa GOtram ? I am subject to correction !- Editor)

Authority: Heard in KAlakshepam and it is said that because of this “Matru sisroosha”, KAsyapa attained Swarga and became PrajApathi subsequently - ibid. Notes on AyOdhyAkhANDam (p19)”.