

  • काश्यप
  • आवत्सार
    • नैध्रुव
    • आसीत
    • रैभ्य


  • कद्र्वा नागाः।
  • विनतया अरुणः, गरुडश् च।



  • propounded the वैशेषिक दर्शन. His system allowed a place for both the वेद (thus making it an आस्तिक दर्शन) & a framework which postulated अनुसिद्धान्त (doctrine of atoms) & natural forces such as gravity. A sample from वैशेषिकसूत्रम्


  • From the काश्यपगोत्र, hailed this stalwart of माध्वसिद्धान्त; most well-known for his work, the न्यायामृतम् which offered a powerful critique of शंकर’s अद्वैत.


Springing from काश्यपगोत्र from वङ्गदेश, he mastered नव्यन्याय & अद्वैत. This काश्यप answered the challenge to advaita in न्यायामृत of another काश्यप (व्यासतीर्थ) in his magnum opus, अद्वैतसिद्धि & was also a connoisseur of bhakti with works like भक्तिरसायन.


one of the greatest thinkers of भारत from वङ्गदेश; established the नव्यन्याय school, reformulating a brand of logic in a much more complex, sophisticated and rigorous manner; for the old न्याय school was successfully undermined by श्रीहर्श, an आचार्य of अद्वैत.


A true स्मार्त, he composed on शिव/विष्णु/गणेश/स्कन्द/देवी & who not?! But at the depths of his heart, he was a श्रीविद्योपासक. How fitting that he attained mukti while remembering मीनाक्षी?


from मिथिलदेश, he not only wrote fine love poetry राधा-कृष्ण as a key theme but also wrote instructive texts on धर्म such as दुर्गाभक्तितरङ्गिणी & शैवसर्वस्वसार.


Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa before taking sanyas was known as Gadadhar Chattopadhyay. The Chattos(Chatterjee/Chattopadhay) are Kulin brahmins who were called from Kanyakubja by Adisura , a King of Bengal. Total of five brahmin families came from Kanyakubja, Chattos is one of them. The Chattos have gotra Kashyap, They belong to the Rarhi clan of brahmins.

गणेशो ऽवधानी

नैकभाषावित्। shatAvadhAnI rAga gaNesha, the kAshyapa, polymath and polyglot who has performed avadhAna-s in kannaDa, saMskRta, telugu, who embodies the living hindu intellectual tradition in its purity and might, who understands that the shAstra-s are but precursors to true knowledge.