harIsha on rangarAja

Shri Kadaba Rangaraja Iyengar (May 18, 1910 to May 4, 2008) - Biography

The dear departed

On the early morning at about 5 am on May 4th 2008 telephone rang at Abu Dhabi Residence of Hareesh. Such an untimely call could be either wrong number or calls from close relatives to convey some unpleasant news that can’t be withheld on time considerations. Viji conveyed that our beloved Appa had breathed his last at about 6.20 am IST. Sudden feeling on hearing the news was a sigh of relief on that great embodied soul was released from the pious body in a peaceful manner true to the regular prayers of anyone “Anayasena MaraNam Vina dainyena Jeevanam”. May Almighty Rest His Soul in peace.

1910 to 1940

Rangaraju was born in Tumkur to his parents Sri Krishna Iyengar and Smt Srirangamma as 6th child and third son after Veda, Saroja, Rukka, Muththu and Murthy. He was very unfortunate to lose his mother when he was just 4 years old accompanied by his elders mentioned above and other two younger brothers Shaami (3 years) and Kanni (1.5 years). Sisters who were elders of the family were successful in bringing up the younger brothers under the supervision of their father. Most of the childhood was spent in Tumkur – the nearby town.

Rangaraju who grew up with good ideals true to Brahmin community could complete his Inter (present PU). He was very good in English as it was demonstrated throughout his rest of life by providing inputs to his children and grand children alike. He also acquired Homeopathic medicine certificate – the knowledge mostly used with non-commercial intent of curing minor illness of people around him.

In order to expand his domain and explore greener pastures, he moved to Bombay to join his brother Muththu in Lipton Tea Company.

1940 to 1959

At his 30th year, he entered into wed-lock by marrying a village girl Ranganayaki aged 17 years in Hole Narasipura. Together they set up a home at Matunga, jointly with his brother Muththu and sister in law SeethaBai. Within short period they lived in 3 different houses in the area (Tatan Terrace, Saraswathi Niwas, Gopal Bhavan) In due course owing to the increasing size of the joint family he preferred to move to separate accommodation in Worli. During his tenure in Bombay, they gave birth to 7 children. First still-born child was followed by Prasad, Ramesh, Jayashree, Srivatsan, Vasuki and Jagadeesh, who took birth at different places with last two being born in Bombay. Rangaraju also lost his father during this period.

On the professional front, having worked for Lipton quite a few years, on personal grounds he shifted his job to William Jacks – a British contracting company where he worked as supervisor. During this period he travelled to some of the picturesque places such as Jaipur, Udaypur etc. One of his assignments of pride included the execution of painting work at Udayapur Palace. In 1957, he could not sustain the discriminative approach of his employers and decided to return to his home state for good.+++(5)+++ Taking such a decision having a big family was indeed courageous. Such decisions a person can take only when he is confident of support from his close relatives which was enormous in respect of Rangaraju. One of the glorious examples of supports in those days: In early fifties Kadaba Krishna Iyengar’s family pooled funds to construct a spacious house in Someshwara Extension of Tumkur which was later on transferred to Rangaraju’s name during late fifties and he repaid the dues of relatives gradually.+++(5)+++ Other than investing in bringing up of his children providing good education, this was the only tangible property he made during his life time. Intangible properties was Goodwill that was attached to the very name ‘Rangaraju’ which was uttered with utmost respect among the people associated with him. Beauty of this property is that it is inherited by his children without any division.+++(5)+++

Initially his family was given shelter by his brother-in-law Shri Narsimha Murthy Shanthigram in his residence at Obalappa street Mawalli. Later in 1959 he moved to an independent abode at No. 13, 3rd main road, Chamarajpet Bangalore-18 which has treasures of memory for all the children For livelihood he secured a job in Khadi and Village Industries Commission where he worked as Inspector till his retirement in 1968-69. During the slack period from the day of leaving Bombay till securing this employment he was ably supported by his efficient wife Ranganayaki through her self employment skills such as tailoring etc.+++(5)+++

There used to be support from close relatives from either side both morally and financially during the crisis. Eldest sister Vedamma after her retirement from teaching profession even extended guardianship for few children in order to obtain free-education.+++(4)+++

1959 – 1981

Mar 8th 1960, against the plans of the parents 8th male child Hareesh (7th of surviving) took birth from Ranganayaki at Jaipal Clinic after a long gap of 7 years from their till-then youngest son Jagadeesh (who still misses the ‘Kadakutti’ designation).+++(4)+++ So the family unit ultimately completed with 2+7 to suit the kannada saying of those days “Ondu goodina Navarathnagalu” because in early 60’s only a small portion of the house was available and subsequently further rooms were occupied based on their availability and the requirement of the family.

Rangaraju was a hard working and highly disciplined person. He was believed in ‘Early to bed n Early to rise” concept. He used to wake up as early as 4 am, prepare morning dose of coffee n tea for others. Based on the need he used to wake-up his children for the early morning studies. Once after mother’s awakening he used to give the cue to her and proceed on his other activities. His activities included the periodic austerity prescribed in Sri Vaishnavaits tradition that included observing of special days such as Ekadashi, Amavasya, offering to dead ancestors through Tarpanas etc.+++(5)+++ Among the festivals, Gokulashtami was his favourite and the ambience during this festival used to be both environmentally and spiritually very vibrant.

After his retirement in 1969 he assumed more responsibilities. He used his favourite bicycle for daily rounds to the places such as Bank, Mandi Pet, City Market, Mawalli etc. to procure the house hold needs such as ration and vegetables. When it came to procurement of essential food-stuff he had never learnt to do small purchases and wherever the purchased commodity was not of regular use, it was for sharing with other houses. Back from morning round he used to have post-lunch relaxation before getting ready for evening rounds until 6.45 pm because his dinner used to be as early as 8 pm and bed-time was around 9.30 pm.

No 13 III main road used to be holiday home for many people and frequent visitors used to be Veda, Saroja, Rukka and Worli Chitti among oldies apart from Sheenu Chinya family and friends from Ahmedabad, Muththu doddappa’s.+++(5)+++ Astonishing thing was irrespective of the crowd Rangaraju had capacity to sustain and support despite his meagre income. He was one of the best possible ‘Host’ that 20th century had seen. Thanks to the elderly children, who could secure jobs at their early ages to supplement and support the family financially.

He had a number of relatives who maintained closeness due to his selfless nature and service mentality. Like they say ‘If the mind is broader, smallness of your house hardly matters” small house never discouraged people to come for over-night stay during weddings and other functions. I wish, he grace this prowess of his to us the people of current generation with ‘nucleus’ mentality. Even if he extends a very small %, I am sure, we all can contest for the ‘Best Host’ competition to be conducted in one of the TV channels in the days to come.

To sum it up, Ranganayaki used to be ‘Adge Mane Amma’ and Rangaraju was ‘Pete Appa’ with other elderly visitors looking after time-pass activities including family level political affairs. Honestly, they also helped mother in ad hoc activities such as Pickle and Pappad preparations.

Rangaraju used to involve himself in several noble activities including hosting the weddings of few cousins and helping other few on educational front. One of his Dharwar colleague even stayed with us during his son’s eye operation in Minto Hospital. Precisely, main door of the house was never closed until late night once having opened in the early morning.

Glory continued until all the children (except Hareesh) stood on their own in whatsoever level after completing the basic education which was never less than a graduation or professional level.

Staying in the same house 4 marriages (Jayashree (1973) Prasad(1975), Ramesh(1975), and Vasuki (1980)) were celebrated. Marriage spree started in 1973 with the wedding of only daughter Jayashree. Though already retired, not to transfer the financial burden on the shoulders of his sons, he sold the only property he made in Tumkur to raise funds for the marriage expenses.+++(4)+++

Grand children Mukund, Kavitha Savitha, Sunil, Namitha, Mala could have opportunity to experience their early childhood in the same place. Thanks to the timely demise of Maniyakka the owner due to which the house occupied by her was given to us+++(??)+++ and there was no disturbance to the family unit that could result in separation. Only disturbance that could happen was due to the occupational hazard of Prasad taking up job in Tumkur and Hareesh and Srivatsan in their bachelorhood posted to outstation branches.

Inevitable could not be averted nor postponed – After about 6 months of Hareesh securing a job in Canara Bank at a rural place, property inheritors of 13th 3rd main road house sold the property during mid-81 and the unit was to look out for other option. The heat of rent was felt and there was no option to go in for a spacious accommodation and thus a small unit was taken on rent in Hanumanth Nagar. As if it was a blessing in disguise Vasuki moved out bit earlier to a house owned by relative in law and left over family. Rangaraju, Ranganayaki, Ramesh Vijaya, Savitha-Sunil and Jagadeesh could occupy the house at an affordable rent. Still Rangaraju continued his equipoise status of mind without even bothering the treatment given by the erstwhile owners that could result in an unpleasant way of eviction.

1982 – 1990

After staying in Hanumath Nagar house for about 6 months, Rangaraju’s abode moved to Subramanya Nagar where Jagadeesh and Srivatsan’s marriages were fixed. By the time of their wedding it was moved again to 15th cross Malleshwaram where we lived for about a year when Rangaraju had bronchitis attack – the illness seen for the first time.+++(4)+++ Subsequently the family moved again to Subramanya Nagar – three bed room house. Later consequent to rent increase another nearby house was taken on rent.

During this period Ramesh had decided to take up a own house near his studio in Madiwala. Jagadeesh left in pursuit of greener pasture to Dubai in 1985. Hareesh got wedded in 1986 and continued to stay with parents in the same house until Srivatsan built a house in Padmanabha Nagar. Joining their brother, Hareesh and Jagadeesh too bought nearby plots. Rangaraju’s activities though reduced to some extent still continued during his stay in the house built by Srivatsan. While Vasuki and Prasad had their own houses built in Basweshwara Nagar and Jaya Nagar, Hareesh and Jagadeesh constructed the houses (SapthaSwara and Ranga Krupa) in their plots in due course.

1991 – 1999

Consequent to transfer of Srivatsan to Bangalore, Hareesh with parents moved to Sapthaswara. Rangaraju’s external movement was confined to going to KEB and short walks. But he was actively involved in spiritual readings and care taking of his grand daughters Prakruthi and Prarthana.

So, it was just a tree where the root remained with its last branch attached in terms of Kadaba Rangarajan’s own identity as ‘Rangaraju’s house’.

Rangaraju suffered with another bronchitis attack which was treated at Sevakshetra Hospital and became weaker.+++(4)+++

In pursuit of career growth and to escape from proposed transfer which could have anyway resulted in separation from the family, Hareesh successfully secured a job in Dubai. While awaiting for the final offer, Ranganayaki who was ailing from chronic arthritis underwent Total Knee Replacement of both the legs, which became very vital in taking care of Rangaraju till his end.

June 1999 Hareesh took up a job in Abu Dhabi and was later joined by his wife and children during April-2000. Within this period Rangaraju and Ranganayaki were inflicted with ‘Putra Shoka’ with beloved Ramesh passing away during Feb-2000. Even before overcoming the grief he had another depression of separating from his firm ground through implanting himself with Ranganayaki at Srivatsan’s for further stay.

2000 – 2008

Rangaraju under able support of Ranganayaki maintained good health in his ninties until old-age gradually taking its tall over his mobility aspect. Year after year his independent activities such as washing his own clothes etc receded. Several factors contributed in shifting the parents abode to other son’s places and finally he landed in JaiBhim Nagar – the house of Vijaya-Ramesh where he breathed his last.


During his journey from Balavasthe to Vridhdhapya, Rangaraju could manage to lead a life in style with his own discipline and ideals. Notable thing during this journey was reduction level of his anger which was obviously due to the change of situation and also frequent reminder of the status by Ranganayaki. His affection towards the grand children was abundant and response to their mischievous things in the end part was very pleasing. For about 6 months before he breathed his last he was quite conscious about the people around him (including Srivatsan’s unfulfilled promise of taking him to his Mysore house) with just occasional forgetfulness.




Inevitable could not be postponed

Day 1 - 4th May 2008

Woke up at 5 am and was getting ready for morning walk when Telephone ring was heard. To get a call at this unusual time indicated two things – either wrong number or a call from India for some emergency. Call was from Viji and she inquired whether I got the news. Randomly I replied her that Rukkatte’s son Seshadri passed away in US (though I was sure that was not the one she is going to tell). Knowing my usual mental strength and preparation she straight away informed that Appa passed away about 10 mts before i.e. 6.20 am. I did not get a shock or perturbed with the news because my prayers was there to listen to this news since past couple of days when I came to know that he is further deteriorating and lost his speech recently.

Called up Jagadeesh and conveyed the news. Shanthi immediately rose to action of finding out the availability of latest flight for myself and Jagadeesh to pay our last visit to Dad and carrying out further duties as sons. Accordingly Emirates flight departing at 11.45 to Bangalore from Dubai was booked. (This was the advantage of staying in the nearby foreign country such as UAE. Even if it were to be some remote location in the North India would not have provided this privilege).

Spoke to Amma and Prasad @ Ramesh-Vijaya’s and obtained more details. As informed, Appa had his last food intake in terms of coffee which was fed by Vijaya. As a poetic justice she passed on the cup to Amma for providing the last sip he could take in. (After all it is fair that the winning stroke is hit by the player who had done hard work to lead her team to the victory goal.)

Coincidently, Uday who landed directly at my place from Bangalore was around on the pretext of watch IPL matches previous day and provided required moral support. After sending SMS to few in the office, I started clearing up the prerishable things to be given to Uday and packed up few clothes. Arranged a chartered Taxi and picked up Jagadeesh from his residence at Dubai enroute to Dubai Airport.

During the flight we had a chance to have recap of childhood days connecting with our beloved dad. I started writing his biography in a note book which is intended to be completed before the Vaikunta Samaradhane.

We landed at Bangalore airport around 5.15 and Mukund was waiting to pick us up to drive directly to Vijaya-Ramesh’s. We reached there by 6.45 and met few among lot of well wishers of Dad who visited throughout the day. Dad chose right time and day to breathe his last – Early morning – Sunday.

After seeing off the visitors, we 5 brothers went out to buy Dhoti’s for the foregoing rituals to be started next day beginning with Cremation of dad’s body

Between Vasuki, Jagadeesh and self we had the recap session about the childhood experiences with Dad. Spent rest of the night staying awake with Amma, Vijaya, Jayashree alongside Ice Box that enabled freshness to Dad’s body.

Anthima Ranga Rajana Yatre

Day-2 5th May 2008

Stayed awake till 3.15 am in the morning and tried to get sleep for sometime in order to maintain activeness for the reminder of day’s rituals. Around 7.15 Vadyar Srihari arrived and summoned 5 brothers to wear Kachche Panche before starting the ritual. Dad’s body was shifted to the portico. Amidst few more last minute visitors, vadyar started detailed ceremony for preparing dad’s bereaved body to clearly disassociate itself from its bereaved soul. 5 brothers accompanied by cousin Vijayu went with dad to Banasankari Crematorium while others including few ladies and children came in different mode of transport.

There was another round of rituals to be observed at the bereaved-body parking lot which included final cleansing and last symbolic feeding from kith n kin. (A new ritual of circumambulation to dad in clock and anti-clock wise patting the thigh needs further clarifications from vadyar).

Once the last round of rituals was over, dad’s soul’s bereaved body was ready to be burnt. Despite controlling oneself through philosophical knowledge, this was the moment that could even force a stone-heart to melt due to whatsoever level of attachment. There were different level of shedding of tears seen especially with women and children who assumed the role of ‘Rudali’ and few men too did not leave far behind. Top scorers among children were Prakruthi, Prarthana and Shilpa. Poor scorers among men were Hareesh, Jagadeesh and Vasuki.

The karthru’s were then instructed by the priest to get the complete shave as per religious prescription and accordingly all the five brothers returned to abode of departed soul and in the vicinity got the needful done. Once the task of giving a religious send-off to beloved dad was over and after considering the mental strength of beloved mom, brothers decide to return to their respective abode.

Asthi Sanchayana – And Unique experience

Day-3 6th May 2008

Tring Tring…………….. Phone rang at 6 am and it was Srivatsan on line informing about Mom’s dissent of previous day on her sons’ unbothered behaviour of leaving her orphan and helpless. Message was very clear that people should not be self centred under these circumstances. Sorry mom - all of us owe you an apology. Having pardoned us all through, hope you would do it this time too.

Tata Sumo was ready by 6.45 and 4 brothers left for crematorium by 7 am for collecting ‘Asthi’ of dad’s divine body. 5th brother (Agrajar) and Sunil joined them there. Surprisingly there was post-funeral rituals to be conducted before ‘Asthi Sanchayana’, which was quite detailed. Breakfast in terms of pan cakes, lunch in terms of fried rice and 5 types of fruits in terms of dessert were offered to dad’s Asthi (reminder of cremated body). Apart from that, lot of prayers had done to the ‘Pretatma’ the bereaved soul. Finally Asthi was handed over to ‘Karthrus’ to disperse it into the holy river. Kaveri at ………Ghat was chosen for the purpose by the karthrus initiating the task by travelling in Tata Sumo engaged for the purpose.

The journey towards disposal of ‘Asthi’ was pious with chanting of ‘Vishnu Sahasra Namam’, ‘Mukunda Mala stotram’, ‘Suprabhatam’ and other chantings dedicated to beloved dad.

The team (except Vasuki) returned to the abode of ‘Bereaved Soul’ – Ramesh-Vijaya’s for submitting the details to mom and have palahara for dinner. All other Karthrus except Jagadeesh returned to their abode thereafter.

Important aspects of engaging the priest for final rites and cook was done in the evening with booking for a hall for 12th and 13th day kept pending for tomorrow.

When Hareesh the youngest Karthru returned home, he observed certain changes in mental equilibrium in his both daughters Prakruthi and Prarthana and attributed this change to their sighting the cremation process of his dad. Using his spiritual information he tried to console them to be realistic and shed away the fear or depression.

After watching the IPL match he went to sleep but had broken sleep untill 3am when he could not sleep further.

Unique Experience

Day-4 – 7th May 2008

Deciding to change the place, he went to the first level room and slept on the bed which used to be the bed of parents. For better ventilation he made sure that the windows were open and decided to sleep without a fan. After repeated changing the sides he went into a sort of sub-conscious sleep when a unique thing in his life happened. A strong breeze came through the hind window which lifted the curtains quite high and his body felt a pump in of the breeze which made his body heavy. Due to sub-conscious state, he could recite “ Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare , Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare” several times until the body stabilized and a blue image indicating unclear ‘Om’ symbol in Sanskrit appeared.+++(5)+++ The experience was quite pleasing without a scare. After this experience he could listen to the Cuckoo clock ringing 3.30 am. Later on he went to sleep for about another half an hour. Later he again felt an aggressive feeling of his body vibration this time without any symbol. Again the chanting was in full flow and later on he went to sleep until about 6 am.

Point to Ponder: Why did it happen for the first time? Why this happened when he occupied the bed which used to be the usual bed of his father? What is the summary of this significance? Can science provide an explanation for this?

Hareesh woke up in the morning to do his usual activity including Surya Namaskaram and Pranayama. Later after having the breakfast (Chappatti and Yengai prepared by his beloved wife) he left for the hunting of Hall for 12th and 13th day with Srivatsan later accompanied by Prasad. Finally ‘Gayathri Bhawan’ house of Akhila Karnataka Brahmana Sangha was booked. On this pretext all the three brothers including priest Hari Vadyar (Who was summoned for calibration of the venue to be suitable for the purpose) became members of Brahmana Sabha.

Viji, Jayashree and Vijaya went to buy sarees for 13th day on account of mother and went directly to see mother. Hareesh and Srivatsan reached there. Later returned home with Viji by auto.

Day 5, 8th May 2008

Went with Jagadeesh at around 4.30 to stay with mother and returned around 8.30 pm

Day 6, 9th May 2008

Day-long stay by entire family with mother. Viday who landed in India yesterday visited. Discussion about Dana’s with Prasad, Vasuki and Jagadeesh. Returned to home by 7.30

Day 7, 10th May 2008

Election day. Supposed to go to Prasad’s for buying items for various Danas but postponed to evening. Completed shopping in the evening.

Day 8, 11th May 2008

No specific activity related to dad

Day 9, 12th May 2008